Page 9 of Beautiful Sight
Moving on with her exploration, she found the next wall to be made of glass—sliding glass doors if her fingers were to be believed. Bunched-up curtains let her know when she’d reached the third corner.
Two steps from the wall, she whispered “fuck” when she kicked something with bare toes. A little exploration proved it to be a long dresser. Working her way around it, she found another closed door on the other side of the dresser, which she assumed led to the sitting room.
Instead of leaving the bedroom, Tessa finished mapping the room, finding another dresser on the other side of the doorway before reaching the room’s fourth corner.
Moving to the wall, she turned so her back was to the panel before moving to the bed and then back again.
Feeling fairly comfortable with her mental map of this space, Tessa moved back to the door she assumed led out of the room and opened it a few inches. She did not hear anyone talking, but in the silence she thought she heard someone breathing. Taking a breath, she smelled coffee. Her stomach rumbled in response.
Jefferson had just finished rereading the report on Tessa that his staff had put together in the hours since he had carried her from the hanger. The report only reinforced what the woman herself had told him during their meal at Mystic’s. She was fifty-one, single, and had no family except her son, Theo, who, from the report, appeared to be a waste of a man. He was in debt up to his eyeballs, both with banks and with Sonny Montanilla, a bookie/loan shark/human trafficker. He was reportedly the man in charge of the auction the night before.
Laying the report aside, he rose and crossed to the bedroom doorway where Tessa stood, holding the frame with one hand.
“Good morning, Tessa. You didn’t sleep nearly long enough,” Jefferson said. He brushed a strand of hair back from her face before kissing her cheek. His cock responded immediately to his mate’s closeness, but he refused to make any further moves until she gave some indication she was ready, willing, and accepting of his claim.
“I’m okay,” she answered automatically at the same moment her stomach gave a loud rumble. Her cheeks pinked up as she covered her belly with one hand.
“Sounds like I need to feed you before your stomach eats me.” Jefferson wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side.
He guided her across the room to the table near the window that held an insulated coffeepot and an empty mug, as well as a basket of muffins and a pot with butter. His mug was sitting on his desk in another corner of the room. Seating her, he poured a mug and set it in front of her.
“How do you drink your coffee?” he asked as he wrapped her fingers around the handle.
“Black is fine, thank you,” she answered.
She lifted it and took a small sip. “Strong.”
“Is it too strong? I can have Chef make another pot more to your liking,” Jefferson offered as he reached for the landline. “What would you like to eat?”
Tessa took another sip before answering. “Don’t do that. Do I smell blueberry muffins?”
“Yes. Would you like one?” Jefferson moved his chair around the table next to hers. His wolf demanded they be as close to Tessa as she would allow.
When she nodded and reached out, Jefferson brushed her hands aside and fixed her a muffin himself.
His wolf preened as he held half the buttered treat to her lips and said, “Open.”
She parted her lips and he slid the muffin in partway. “Bite.”
She bit down and began to chew. Her moan had his cock standing tall and twitching as his wolf paced and grumbled.
Seeing Tessa’s smile after eating two muffins settled the restlessness that clenched at Jefferson’s gut only minimally. Now all he had to do was help Tessa settle in and grow comfortable with him before the wolf overpowered the man. All the wolf was focused on was claiming and mating Tessa, and if he didn’t move things along, the wolf would take over and attack their woman.
Tessa finished her coffee and though he wanted her to eat more, she looked content. Before they could discuss the day’s itinerary, a brisk knock sounded at the door.
“Come,” Jefferson called. He stood and moved between Tessa and the door. Though no one who wasn’t pack should be able to get above the first floor of the building, he wouldn’t take any chances with his mate’s safety.
The door opened and he relaxed only slightly as Romeo Jones, his beta and most trusted confidant, entered.
Romeo bowed before speaking. “Good morning, Alpha. There are men from the council asking to speak to your … guest.”
“Thank you, Romeo. Tell them we will be down in a few minutes. Please ask the cook to prepare a plate of bacon and eggs for Tessa. Also, arrange for a half-dozen guards to be ready when we’re finished with that meeting. My mate and I will be going shopping.”