Page 13 of Beautiful Soul
But she knew that would not happen. Once she was awake, that was it, she would be awake for the rest of the day. Even trying to nap would not help. She would just lay there and overthink everything.
Rubbing her palms up and down her arms in hopes of soothing herself, she only found herself more wound up and needy. She had only spent a dozen hours in Kingsley James’s presence, but in that time he had become an addiction she could not seem to shake.
She had spent the time since she had left his apartment thinking of the man. His scent, his look, the sound of his voice, the feel of his hugs, his kisses, his loving. And despite telling her it was just a one-night stand, she wanted more.
During their time together, he said he mostly worked at night and was in the middle of a major negotiation, but that he would always have time for her. Was that true, or just something he had said to be kind?
Without even realizing what she was doing, Lena rose and dressed, pulling on yoga pants and a long, oversized tunic that was somewhat dressy and yet comfortable to wear. Once again pulling her pashmina over her head, she slipped on shoes and grabbed her purse.
She was out the door before she really gave a thought as to how Kingsley might react to her popping up again.
This time the walk to the café was not as solitary as it had been two nights before. Though she did not see anyone, she had the dark shivery feeling run up and down her spine, that she was not alone on the street. Several cabs passed, but did not stop to ask of she needed a ride. Even if one had, she would have turned them down.
Though nothing explicit was said, she had a feeling Mystic, and by extension Kingsley, would not want the location of the café advertised to the world. When she got to the alley entrance, she once again paused and checked her surroundings. She still saw no one, but swore she could feel eyes watching her every move.
It was probably just her paranoia scaring her, but she hurried into the alley, once again feeling a small shock of electricity pass through her as she did so. When she reached the café entrance, she did not hesitate, but opened the door and stepped inside with a sigh as warmth and comfort washed through her.
Looking around, she was disappointed not to see Kingsley, though she knew she was being silly. He had not been expecting her, did not know she was coming, why would he be waiting for her?
Mystic stepped up in front of her with a welcoming smile. “Good morning, Lena Wellings. How are you?”
“I’m fine, thank you. Is Kingsley here, or have I wasted a trip?”
Instead of answering, Mystic wrapped her hand around Lena’s wrist and turned. “Come,” she said, pulling Lena along behind her.
The old woman pulled her across the main dining room and down the hallway. They moved past the restrooms and to the closed double doors at the end of the hall. Without bothering to knock, Mystic opened the door on the right and pulled Lena into the room.
“Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen, but I have a lady who needs to be a part of this meeting,” Mystic announced.
The four men sitting at one of the large conference tables turned to look at them. When they recognized that Mystic was not alone, they rose as one and turned to face the women.
Lena wished she could shrink herself small enough to hide behind Mystic, but that was not to be. Instead, she took a deep breath and waited for Kingsley to send her away because their time together meant nothing to him.
“Lena? Are you all right?” Kingsley asked as he crossed the room to stand in front of her.
The other three followed, as if to back up their friend. Or were they friends? The energy in the room was swirling with static and negativity, scraping against Lena’s skin like a rough steel brush.
“She is the missing piece,” Mystic said. She released her arm before taking a step to the side so Lena could no longer take refuge behind her.
“Excuse me?” one of the other men asked.
“She is the key to the puzzle you are fighting to put together,” Mystic said before turning and walking out of the room.
Lena was not sure why the woman had brought her here, or what her words meant, but having the four men stare at her was unsettling. Reaching up, she pulled the soft cloth that covered her head closer around her face. But the men were not looking at her in disgust. Kingsley’s expression held lust, which considering how her body was tingling and preparing for sex, was not unexpected. The other three, though, looked at her with something akin to awe.
Lena knew she should leave. Looking into Kingsley’s eyes, she said, “I’m sorry we interrupted your meeting. I’ll leave now.”
“No,” the four men said as one.
Kingsley closed the distance between them, not stopping until his arms were wrapped around her. Brushing a kiss on her temple, he whispered, “I’m so glad you came.”
She lifted her hands to his waist and held on as the world seemed to swirl away from them. “Are you sure? If you’re busy, I can wait in the café if you’d prefer.”
“No, you’ll come and sit by me. I’ve been having trouble staying focused because I’ve been thinking of you instead of what we’re here to accomplish tonight. Now that I know you’re safe, we should be able to finish this up in just a few minutes.”
Lena looked up into his beautiful eyes and smiled. “Are you sure?”
He nodded before bending and giving her a kiss so long and deep she lost track of everything.