Page 24 of Beautiful Soul
“We’ll see,” she said.
The elevator arrived quickly and carried them to the lobby where she stopped long enough to check her mailbox. All of her bills were sent electronically, so all she had was a flyer from a newly opened restaurant and several catalogs from companies she had not bought from in ages. She tossed them in the recycle bin left in the lobby for that purpose.
The driver had the trunk open and they quickly loaded up and left. As she climbed in and took the seat next to Mystic, she wasn’t sure whether to be nervous or excited at this new direction her life had taken.
Yes, she was physically attracted to Kingsley, but would that physical attraction last? Or would he grow tired of her insecurities and hermit-like ways and be happy to see her go in a couple of weeks when the various supernatural species settled things between them?
She jolted when Mystic patted her hand. “Stop thinking so hard. Just take each day as it comes, share your light and love with all you meet, and know that Kingsley loves you more than he will ever say.”
“Hey,” Kingsley protested from her other side.
“Hush, Mage,” Mystic said with a giggle that sounded surprisingly youthful.
“Thank you, Mystic,” Lena said as she patted the older woman’s hand with her free one.
She refused to discuss loving Kingsley with Mystic. That was something she needed to share with the man before she told anyone else. For now, having him sit beside her with his hand on her knee was enough of a physical connection. Everything else would wait until after the ceremony, which had been pushed back an hour to allow the major players time to clean up and dress appropriately.
Kingsley’s heart finally stopped pounding with fear when he followed Lena into his apartment. Mystic followed, carrying Lena’s dress for the evening. After placing her bags on the bed, he retreated to find Mystic waiting by the hall door.
“You need to tell her,” she said, “and sooner rather than later.”
“I will.”
“Now. Go join her in the shower and tell her. They won’t care if you’re a few minutes late, especially if you’re fully mated with her.”
Kingsley wanted to argue, but knew it was true. The possibility of finding their mate was the reason most supernaturals remained in the city and did not go roaming far and wide. The fact that his had walked into the café was a blessing he would never take for granted.
But would finalizing the claiming in a quick fuck in the shower before he explained about the process and giving her a chance to say no, be the right thing?
He didn’t think so.
“Go, Mage, claim the angel before someone steals her away from you.”
Mystic’s words sent a strong shiver of fear through Kingsley.
“Go away, Mystic. We’ll see you at the ceremony,” he said as he headed to the bedroom.
A trail of clothes followed him to the closet where he put his weapons away in the hidden cubby. Once completely naked, he stepped into the bathroom and froze. Lena was standing under the big showerhead with her arms wrapped around her middle, shaking like a willow in a high wind as she sobbed.
“Oh, Angel,” he said as he stepped into the shower. Turning her, he pulled her into his arms and held her.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed as she buried her face into his chest. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You’re coming down from an adrenaline rush. It’s okay. You’re safe. No one will ever hurt you again. I won’t let them,” he said as he held her and rubbed one hand up and down her spine.
Her arms slid around his middle and held tight, her fingertips pressed into the muscles of his back. They stood under the water for a long time after her sobs ended.
Finally, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “Make love to me, Kingsley. Please.”
Though he would like nothing more than to spend the rest of the night—the week—making love with this incredible woman, he had responsibilities, both to her and to the community she was becoming a part of.
Pulling back, he turned off the water and helped her out of the shower. He dried her and wrapped the large towel around her, then dried himself.
Only then did he answer her request. “I can’t. Not now. Not until we have a talk. After the ceremony.”
The bright light went out of her gaze as her shoulders slumped. She nodded and turned away. “Of course. I’m sorry for asking.”