Page 11 of Beautiful Heart
He could see she was fighting back her need to come. He leaned down so his lips were beside her ear and whispered, “Let it go, my princess. Show me your pleasure.”
His words broke the leash holding her orgasm back. Her pussy muscles clenched around him as her head fell back. In the next instant, she cried out as her entire body began convulsing with the strength of her orgasm.
Livingston continued playing, driving her through a second and then a third orgasm, his own contentment growing as she grew more relaxed and pliable in his arms.
“So beautiful,” he whispered when she reached between her legs and pulled his hand away from her pussy. “And you are all mine, Princess. I am a very, very lucky vampire.”
Gerri managed to lift her head enough to gaze up at him. “That. Was. Amazing.”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, her head dropped back against his shoulder and she relaxed into sleep.
Livingston eased his fingers from her body, but did not move otherwise. Though his cock demanded attention, his heart was content to sit and hold his mate.
It was a long while later when Gerri finally lifted her head and looked at him again. Her eyes remained heavy-lidded, and she looked like she could go back to sleep without a problem. He knew she had fully woken when she stiffened and tried to climb off his lap.
“Where are you going?”
“I … uh … don’t you want something?” she asked, looking confused and sleepy as she waved to where his erection pressed against the front of his pants.
“No, Princess. Tonight is about you. My goal was to get you to relax enough to sleep all night and hopefully think that I will be a good mate, if you choose to be mine.”
“Oh. Okay,” Gerri said slowly. “So, what happens now?”
“Now, you will lock the door behind me, strip down to skin, crawl into your bed and sleep until morning without any nightmares.”
Livingston added a little power to the end of his gentle order, hoping it would be enough to keep Gerri from waking and walking the street in a few hours.
“Okay,” she replied, more under the influence of the multiple orgasms he’d given her than the order contained in his words.
Standing up, he set her on her feet then held her until he was certain she wouldn’t melt to the floor. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he guided her to the door.
Opening it, he brushed a kiss on her forehead, afraid if he kissed her lips again, he would not be leaving for a long, long time. Which would be good in some ways, but her apartment was not set up to house a vampire during daylight hours.
“Lock the door, go to bed, and sleep until morning,” he whispered once more before releasing her and stepping into the hall. “I’ll see you at Mystic’s tomorrow night at 8:00.”
Gerri nodded. “Eight o’clock,” she murmured as she swung the door shut. He waited outside the door until he heard the deadbolts click into place and she shuffled away from the door.
Only then did he force himself to walk away. He was due at Mystic’s All-Night Café in a few minutes for a meeting that had been scheduled for weeks. Hurrying down the stairs, he hoped Gerri’s decision to move in with him would come sooner rather than later.
Chapter Seven
Gerri was shocked when she woke the next morning just two minutes before her alarm was scheduled to go off. She stretched and took a deep breath, amazed at how well rested she felt. There had been no nightmares, no dreams at all that she could remember. She felt as if she’d slept for days and not just a solid seven hours with no interruptions.
Running errands and deep cleaning the apartment helped the day fly by. She had often found herself staring into space, trying to imagine what life with Livingston would be like. She also thought about her job and coworkers, and decided that if being with Livingston was what he wanted, she could make the life changes required. She could continue her job as a researcher, working online and independent of the library, which would allow her to set her own hours. That way she could work from home, wherever home with Livingston might be.
After quickly writing her letter of resignation effective in two weeks, Gerri walked to the library and was able to slip in and leave the letter in her boss’s mailbox. She then left without being stopped by any of her coworkers.
She only hoped Livingston hadn’t changed his mind about her being his mate.
Since Gerri didn’t know what Livingston had prepared for their evening, but which she hoped would turn into the weekend together, she planned accordingly. She wore her newest, prettiest bra and panties that matched under her newest leggings and favorite oversized shirt. She packed a spare outfit and extra undies in a carryall, along with her phone, tablet, and their chargers in case of an emergency.
Thirty minutes before she was to meet Livingston at Mystic’s All-Night Café, she set out walking toward the cafe. The streets were not as busy as she’d expected, which was good. Strangely, no one she passed paid her any attention. No one looked at her with pity or scorn for walking slowly, or bumped into her as they hurried around her.
As she approached the block where she had encountered the two alley rats earlier in the week, other people walking thinned and became nonexistent. She braced herself as she approached the alley, but the two men did not jump out at her.
She remained tense and on high alert as she approached the entrance to the alley. Three steps past the alley she began to relax. Then a voice sounded behind her. “That’s her. That’s the bitch who wouldn’t pay the toll.”