Page 19 of Beautiful Heart
Once Gerri climbed into the limo, he looked at Quinlan. “Drive around the city for an hour or so before you head home.”
“Yes, my prince,” Quinlan answered with a nod.
The man had been with him for seventy-five years. Without a glance to Livingston’s crotch, he knew what would be happening behind the darkened glass that separated him in the driver’s seat from the back of the limo. And from the man’s small smile, he approved.
Livingston climbed in and silently cursed as sitting bent his cock in an uncomfortable angle.
“Having problems?” Gerri asked with a grin.
She reached across the seat and cupped her hand over the fullness in the front of his pants. A shiver went through Livingston and he couldn’t help pushing his cock further into her hand.
“Pushy little wench, aren’t you?” he asked with a grin.
Gerri shrugged as she opened his belt. “I’m old enough to know what I want and willing to make the first move. But wait. Is that why you won’t finish the mating? Because I’m too pushy to be your mate?”
Livingston froze at her sad tone. Was that what she thought? That he didn’t want to finalize their mating?
“Oh, Princess, no. That’s not it at all. I’m holding off on our third mating until I have you so completely in love with me, you won’t mind mating in front of witnesses.”
“Witnesses? Someone has to watch us have sex and bite each other?”
Gerri had finished opening his belt, but had not moved on to his pants. While Livingston was happy to drop his trousers, he wanted to make sure things would go the way he hoped they would. He didn’t want to be chasing his woman down the street with his pants down and his cock and balls flapping in the wind.
“The leaders of the various groups of supernaturals must be witnessed when they mate. As prince of the coven, our first two matings should have been witnessed, but I was too wound-up and impetuous to hold off. The council agreed to only witness the third mating. Which is why I’ve held back. But I have to admit it’s getting more and more difficult.”
Livingston found himself holding his breath as he waited for Gerri’s response. She looked to be deep in thought, but he couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad one.
Finally, she nodded and smiled. “Do they have to be in the room? Or can they watch a video while we’re doing the deed?”
Livingston considered her suggestion and grinned. “Film our mating and show it to them later? They won’t be happy, but it might work.”
“Or they can watch live, but through their computers. They can watch us, but we just have a camera on us so I don’t have to see their reactions,” Gerri elaborated.
Livingston smiled as the idea grew on him. “That just might work. Yes, we can do that and finalize our mating tonight. Just let me text Kingsley and Jefferson. They’re the only ones who absolutely have to witness the mating so they can sign the records that we truly are mates.”
Gerri nodded as she returned her attention to opening his pants. “Why don’t you set it up for a night later this week. That way I can suck on this now instead of waiting until we get home.”
Livingston could only moan his agreement as she fished his cock and balls out of his pants and used her finger to spread his precum over the head of his cock. Dropping his head back, he used his hands to shove his pants and boxers to his thighs and then grabbed hold of the seat’s edge as Gerri released her seatbelt and crawled between his widespread legs.
“Mmmm…” Her moan as she wrapped her lips around just the tip of his cock sent shivers down his length and through his entire body.
“Oh, shit,” he murmured as he tightened his grip on the seat.
He fought his body’s need to thrust up into her mouth, burying his cock fully into her mouth and throat. He was determined to allow her to run the show tonight. Once they returned to their apartment, he would take over.
He clenched his teeth as he visualized what he would do to her when he was once again in charge. He would spread her across his bed and eat her pussy until she came so many times she wouldn’t be able to move when he finally crawled up her body and filled her pussy with his cock.
Gerri’s mouth was hot and wet around him. She sucked as she took more and more of his cock into her mouth and further.
It felt like heaven, as she began to bob up and down his length, fucking him so damn good.
As everything below his waist tightened and prepared for a massive orgasm, she cupped his balls in one hand and gently played with them, while a finger from her other hand reached behind his ball sac and stroked back to his pucker. With that touch, his orgasm ignited. Livingston roared as his body arched up from the seat, pushing his cock as deep into her mouth as he could manage. His seed pulsed out as his hips continued to push deeper and deeper.
Gerri swallowed down every drop, then gently cleaned the shaft and head of his cock as he slowly relaxed back into the seat. All he could do was breathe and convince his body he was still alive, despite not being able to feel anything below his chin.
When his breathing finally slowed and he could feel his body again, Livingston flopped his head to the side to look at his woman where she was once again seated beside him. “I wish I had the energy to pull you onto my lap and finalize the claiming here and now and to hell with the council.”
Gerri used a fingertip to wipe a drop of semen from the corner her mouth and stuck the finger in her mouth to clean it off before answering. She then grinned at him like a cat who had found the keys to the entire creamery.