Page 15 of Lion's Little Scamp
“I don’t know what to choose,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes. “There are too many choices.”
When one tear rolled down her cheek, Harrigan allowed instinct to guide him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. The people behind them in line didn’t seem to mind, they moved around them without any complaint.
Harrigan finally released her as he said, “Would you like me to help you?”
She stared at the center of his chest as she nodded. “Yes, please.”
“Good girl,” he said and saw her straighten, as if her body had absorbed that bit of praise and become stronger.
Picking up both their trays, Harrigan moved them to the back of the line, which was only three people long. Setting their trays back on the slide, he moved them to stand in front of the first section of food, the entrees.
“Okay, scamp, what looks good?”
Watching her closely, he saw her lick her lips before looking up at him. “Everything,” she whispered softly.
“Okay. How about You get that chicken tenders plate and I’ll get the hamburger and we’ll share?”
She looked confused for a second before asking, “We can do that?”
He could not help but smile down at her. “Sweetheart, we can do whatever we want. That’s what a buffet is all about, trying a little of everything to figure out what you like.”
The smile she sent him went straight to his heart, and his cock, which hardened in response.
By the time they reached the end of the food line, both their trays were filled, and Irish had relaxed enough to return a greeting from one of the other trainees.
“Who’s that?”
“That’s Marina. She and two other girls arrived last night. She’s really nice and I think she’s like me,” Irish whispered once they claimed a table and sat down.
“Like you?”
“Trying to start her life over after being in a bad situation. I forgot the ranch dressing. Can I get some?”
Harrigan nodded and watched as she stood and slipped away from the table. He could not stop tracking her as she crossed the room then filled a small cup with dressing. After filling a second with ketchup, she scurried back.
Harrigan took his knife and cut his hamburger in half. He placed one half on her plate, then used the knife to stab two tenders which he put on his plate. He did the same with the potato wedges and green beans, smiling at her scrunched nose when he added the latter.
He would wait until after she cleaned her plate before dividing their desserts. He had a feeling he would not be getting any of her pudding, but that was okay, he would enjoy his applesauce.
By the time they finished, Irish had yawned six times. He decided she needed a nap after lunch, not to be working in the barns.
Pulling out his phone, he sent a text to Sullivan that she would not be there as assigned. He was surprised when the surly centaur, who was in charge of the barns and animals, replied with a thumbs up. He must have already heard that Irish was his mate, and therefore the normal rules that governed trainees did not apply.
Chapter Ten
Irish yawned again as she carried their combined trays to the kitchen door and handed them off to one of the girls assigned to kitchen duty. She was not sure how she was going to make it through the afternoon when all she wanted to do was curl up somewhere warm and take a nap.
Harrigan waited at their table, studying her as she approached. “Come on, little one. Let’s go home,” he said, holding out one hand, palm up.
It had become such a familiar gesture that Irish did not hesitate to lay her hand on top of his, earning a smile from her golden god. Then his words registered, and she tried to pull her hand back. He would not release her as he turned and led the way to the front door.
“I can’t go home, Sir. I’m supposed to go to the barn to work for the afternoon.”
“Not today, scamp. This afternoon we are going home, and you are taking a nap.”
He sounded so sure of himself, so certain that she could just skip out on her chore duty that Irish followed him until they were halfway to the helicopter garage before she stopped.
“I can’t just not show up,” she said as she tried once again to pull her hand free.