Page 16 of Tiger's Little Waif
“But you’re going too slow,” she whined. “I need rough and hard, not sweet and gentle.”
Her words seemed to strip away the last of his control. Suddenly he was moving harder, faster, surging in and out like a piston. Her orgasm was gathering, ready to explode out of her like a tsunami roaring toward land.
She saw the animal swirling in his eyes when he leaned in and asked, “Shaw Tucker, do you take me as your mate, to be bonded body, soul, heart, and mind to me from now until the end of our lives on this plane of existence?”
Marshall thought his heart was going to explode out of his chest as Shaw nodded in response to the traditional mating question. “Words, little waif. You need to say the words.”
It was a few seconds of eternity before she gasped, “Yes, Marshall, I take you as my mate.”
At the same time, she turned her head to the right, exposing the left side of her neck and shoulder. His tiger took over and he drove his canines through her skin, biting her deep as she screamed and came.
Her pussy clenched around him in waves, driving him the last few millimeters to his own orgasm. He roared as his cock jerked and pulsed. At the same instant his seed filled her, her blood crossed his tongue and their mating bond locked into place.
She sighed when he finally pulled his teeth from her skin and licked the bite closed. It healed almost instantly, leaving behind a scar that would tell every shifter who saw it that she belonged to him.
He held himself deep in her, not wanting to leave, even if the mating was completed. It felt right to be buried deep in his mate’s body. His cock slowly deflated, and he finally pulled back and shifted to lie next to his beautiful mate. Gathering her close to brush a kiss on her forehead, he was not surprised to see she was sleeping.
Easing back, he left the bed and retrieved the wet washcloth from the bath. After cleaning them both up, he tossed it back into the bathroom. He then gently lifted her and pulled the covers back before laying her down again. After crawling in beside her, he pulled the covers up over both of them.
Rolling to his side, he pulled her back to cuddle against him before allowing himself to relax and fall asleep, completely relaxed for the first time since Shaw had arrived in Bratburg.
Chapter Nine
“Mr. Chef, can we talk to you please?”
Shaw looked up from the bread dough she was kneading to make hoagie rolls for lunch. Four women she recognized as being resident Littles stood in the doorway to the dining room, their hands linked.
It had been a week since she and Marshall had mated, and her life had shifted from fear-filled to one filled with bliss. With her taking over making the pastries and breads, they were able to spend less time in the kitchen, and more time wandering the woods together, or at the cabin exploring each other’s wants, needs, and desires.
Marshall stood across the large kitchen island at his own work area. He was chopping up some of the vegetables they had picked from the garden earlier that morning. They go into a big pot of hearty venison stew for the men with baked chicken nuggets and rice for the women for dinner.
Laying down his big chopping knife, Marshall wiped his hands on his apron as he strolled toward the four women. “What can I do for you ladies, this fine morning?” he asked with a smile.
As if plugged into the same circuit, the four women blinked and then their eyes went wide. “Chef, you’re smiling,” one said, sounding amazed.
“Am I?”
Four heads bobbed up and down.
“Hmmm, guess I’ll have to stop that. Now, tell me what I can do for you before I break out my big spanking spoon?”
Shaw tried to fight back a smile when the four women looked at her before returning their attention to her Papa.
“Um, well, we were wondering if Shaw could come out and play with us this morning?” the one she thought was called Talia asked. It seemed to be she was the spokeswoman of the group.
“Please, Mr. Chef? If she’s going to live here, shouldn’t she get to know us?” one of the other girls said.
Finishing kneading the dough, she turned it out on a wooden board and covered it with a cheesecloth. She would need to return in two hours to form the rolls and get them in the oven, but the pudding she had prepared for lunch was chilling in the refrigerator. It just needed to be dished up and dressed up with a dollop of whipped cream. The pies she’d made for dinner had just come out of the oven and were cooling on the counter. She had planned to spend the afternoon making breakfast pastries for breakfast. There was enough cinnamon bread left from that morning’s breakfast to use the next morning to make French toast. She was learning to make breads and pastries that could be multifunctional in the meals.
When she finished and turned on the timer to ring in two hours, she turned her attention back to the drama going on across the room, only to find five sets of eyes staring at her.
“What do you say, waif? Want to get to know these troublemakers?” Marshall asked with a grin that only she could see.
She nodded, hoping he would allow her to leave the kitchen without him for the first time since her arrival at the institute. “Yes, please, Papa. The dough needs to rise for two hours before I can form the rolls.”
“We can help roll the rolls when it’s time,” Talia offered, as if that could be an incentive.
“I don’t think so,” Marshall said as he turned around. Whatever expression he looked at them with had the four take two steps backward until they were well out of the kitchen. “But, yes, Shaw can go with you. Don’t go into the woods, and she needs to be back here in an hour and forty-five minutes.”