Page 20 of Tiger's Little Waif
Sliding a hand between them, he slid one finger between her lower lips then held it steady. Her clit stroked up and down his finger, and he watched her orgasm exploded through her body in three strokes.
Her pussy tightened around him like a vise as she came. On her next undulation, he roared as his balls tightened and his cock pulsed with his own release.
She continued riding, as if her mind had stopped and her body was moving of its own volition. When the movements became painful for his super sensitive cock, Marshall stopped her, then wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close to his body.
The office door opening shocked him. Who dared enter his kitchen between meals?
“Chef, do you know … oh, excuse me.”
The door closed as quickly as it opened. He had just enough time to see it was one of the resident Littles.
“Well, shit,” he muttered as Shaw stiffened in his arms. “Next time we’ll definitely lock the door.”
He rubbed one palm up and down her back in what he hoped was a soothing motion. It took nearly a minute, but finally Shaw lifted her head. He was shocked when she smiled at him. A soft, gentle smile that had his heart squeezing in response.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“You know we’ll be hearing about this forever,” he rumbled as he helped her climb from his lap.
Grabbing a cloth, he quickly cleaned them both up, then helped her dress again. While she put her sneakers on and tied them, he stood and pulled himself together.
“Just so you know,” she said casually as she stood and headed for the door, “if you ever come in here and lock the door with anyone else, I’ll cut off your thingie and feed it to you.”
He stared at her in disbelief for a moment. For a woman who had arrived battered and nearly broke, she had healed and grown brutal.
“And if I ever catch you in here with another man, I’ll kill him and then spank you every night for a year.”
She blinked and nodded. “Fair enough.”
“You’d better go see what the Littles want before they dare enter the tiger’s domain again,” he said, swatting her ass as they left his office.
“Yes, Chef,” she replied with a giggle before scurrying across the kitchen and out into the dining room.
Chapter Eleven
Shaw frowned down at her phone as it turned on. She had turned it off before facing the Council weeks earlier and had not thought about turning it back on until yesterday. Marshall wanted her to have it with her when they went to the capital that evening in case they got separated. He’d even loaded a tracker app so he could find her if she got lost. The battery had been dead, so Jaxon had charged it for her. She did not expect to have any missed calls of texts since her ex had driven off all her friends. There had been no one to share her excitement with about her new job, her new man, and her new life.
As soon as it booted up, the phone began to go crazy beeping with text and voice messages. It went on so long that she silenced the sound and watched the screen. The number of messages climbed and climbed. 243 texts and 102 voicemails. Someone had been seriously trying to reach her.
But who? And why? There were several numbers, but she did not recognize any of them and wondered if she should even bother listening to them. Probably some scam callers.
Don’t kid yourself, she scolded mentally. You know who it is.
Naturally, Marshall returned to the kitchen for another tray of food at just the right moment to catch her fearful shiver. “Waif? You okay?”
They were setting up for the post-graduation reception. Once the party was over and they had cleaned up the kitchen, Harrigan would be flying them into the capital in the helicopter with the few Council members who had been healthy enough to make the trip to Bratburg for the graduation ceremony. A virus had been racing through the city, and half the Council members were sick with it.
“I’m not sure,” she said, oddly unwilling to voice her fears aloud, as if saying it would make it true. “I turned my phone on to make sure it still worked, and it blew up with voice and text messages. They’re all from the same five numbers, but I don’t recognize any of them.”
Marshall put the tray back down and joined her. After taking her phone, he pulled up the last message and hit the speaker function so they could listen to it together.
“I know you’re reading and listening to these messages, bitch. If you don’t meet me tomorrow at noon in the park near my office with what you stole from me, I’ll be sending a couple of friends to get it back. And they won’t be nearly as nice as I was.”
The message ended and Shaw stared warily up at Marshall who looked like he wanted to rip someone’s head off. She only hoped it wasn’t hers.
“Rat bastard ex, I presume,” he said, awfully mildly for the look on his face.
She nodded.