Page 24 of Tiger's Little Waif
Shaw stepped into the walk-in shower just as Marshall’s watched beeped. She giggled as he looked at her then snapped his fingers as if regretting that he did not get to spank her.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Papa,” she purred as she stepped in close and rubbed her body against his already wet one.
“I don’t think you are,” he said before smacking one ass cheek and then the other before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her under the spray of four different showerheads.
“Papa! That hurt.”
She tried to frown at him, but that might earn her even more, and the last thing she wanted was to start their working vacation with a hot ass.
“My poor, sweet mate. Let me kiss it and make it better." Turning them again, he pushed her up against the cool shower wall before kneeling behind her. “Keep your head and shoulders against the wall, but step back and spread your legs.”
He held her hips as she moved into position. Once he was happy with her stance, he started just below her ear and kissed his way down her neck and then the center of her back to the top of her ass. By the time he stopped kissing her body and began to massage her ass cheeks she was panting and trying hard to tell him to skip the foreplay and just fuck her. Her inner Little argued that making demands of her mate would only end up with her ass burning and her pussy wanting, so instead of begging for more, she thrust her fists against the wall and rolled her lips over her teeth to keep the words locked inside.
Between the warm water running down her body, and his fingers running down her outer thighs and then up her inner thighs, it was growing more and more difficult to remain silent.
Two fingers sliding into her pussy and his lips kissing her ass cheeks and then down between them shredded the last bits of control she had.
“Papa, please!” she cried softly as he shifted to slide his body between her legs. He ended up sitting between her and the wall.
“Please, what, waif?” he asked, his voice already dropping into the dark range that meant he was aroused.
In the next moment he licked from her pussy up between her lower lips to the top of her slit, his tongue almost velvety against her wet skin. Shaw had to lock her knees to keep from dropping down on top of him as her entire body weakened and began to shake. Her pussy felt so empty and needy that she found herself begging.”
“Please fuck me. I need your cock in me. Please. Please. Please.”
She continued begging as his fingers slid in and out and he licked back and forth from clit to asshole and back again.
“Come first for me, waif. Come all over my fingers and tongue. Come now, waif.” He growled the words then took her knotted up clit between his lips and sucked hard.
Lightning shot from her clit out to the rest of her body. It only took seconds for her orgasm to swamp her completely. She screamed and convulsed as she came, fighting hard to remain on her feet. Her brain shut down as her orgasm went on and on and on.
When her mind finally returned and she could track things again, she found herself sitting with her legs wrapped around Marshall’s back. His cock filled her completely, and his arms held her snuggled to his chest. It felt perfect.
“Squeeze your pussy around me, waif,” he murmured as she dropped kisses across the top of one shoulder and then the other. “It’s not going to take much, but I don’t want to move you from right here.”
Shaw contracted her muscles around him, and his moan of approval had her smiling even as she leaned her head on his shoulder. She did it again, tightening the muscles and then fully relaxing.
“More, mate.” His voice was so deep as he stroked a hand up and down her back.
Though the motion was meant to be soothing, it only aroused her to the point where she wanted to move up and down his cock and get them both off. But his embrace held her still, so all she could to was contract and flex the muscles of her pussy. She shifted her hips back and forth, hoping to get them both off quicker, but frozen when a hard hand slapped against her hip.
She shivered at his dark tone, but went back to massaging his cock, pulsing as fast as she could around him.
It took less than half a minute to break his iron will. He grabbed her hips and began to lift and lower her on his long, thick length, still not letting her move as she wanted.
She felt his cock swell further as he moved her faster and then slammed her down on his cock several times. His back arched and he roared out his release before bending his head forward and biting the same spot he had when he mated her. At the same instant, additional heat poured into her body, filling her with his essence as he took hers into his body.
Though he had doubted tantric sex would get either of them off, it sure as hell drove them to the edge. He could not wait to try again, only next time dry and warm in a bed instead of the shower.
When he could feel his body again, Marshall stood them both up and then quickly washed them.
“For the next three days,” he said as he turned off the multiple showerheads and reached for the luxurious towels that waited just outside the shower room, “I want you to be Little as much as possible, okay?”
He smiled down at her as she thought about his words. Her question shocked him. “Does that mean no more sexy times while we’re in the city?”
“Oh, no, not at all. Unless you don’t want to shift back and forth once you go Little. It’s all up to you, babygirl. Papa will handle whatever you have to throw at him.”