Page 4 of Tiger's Little Waif
If he did not like her or did not think she could cut it in his kitchen, she would be out on her ass. She’d seen it happen time and again over the last dozen years. All it took was one or two complaints, either from customers or coworkers, and a baker, line cook or sous chef would find themselves out of a job.
“We’ll discuss that later,” Marshall said in a soothing tone. “For now, tell me what kitchen experience you have so I know where to start you once you’re recovered enough to work.”
Before she could answer, her stomach gave a loud, rumbling grumble, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since the sausage sandwich she’d bought on her way to the Council building early that morning.
“You need to eat,” Marshall declared. “Then I want Kevin to examine you while I finish making dinner. Afterwards, we’ll go to my house where you can settle in, rest, and recuperate.”
Shaw felt like she’d been swept up in a tornado and was not sure how to stop the world from swirling. “You can’t just take me home with you,” she said, though neither man paid her any attention.
“Does this mean you’re claiming her?” Lonergan asked, staring hard at the chef.
“Yes. She is my mate.” Marshall spoke with a conviction in his voice that she had never heard before. Ever.
Marshall knew he was rushing things, but knowing his mate was injured made the need to take care of her almost as strong as the need to mate her. Sadly, he did not feel comfortable claiming her as his own until she healed from whatever was currently wrong with her.
When Shaw tried to protest, he ignored her. She needed someone to take care of her while she healed, and as her mate, it fell to him. He would wait to discuss his Daddy tendencies and discover whether she was Little or not. It was too soon for a lot of things between them, but that didn’t stop him from imagining the pretty woman sprawled naked across his bed, her long hair in pigtails and fresh love bites marring her flesh where only he would be able to see them.
Right now, though, he needed to deal with her hungry belly and the pain he could see in her eyes. They would worry about everything else later.
“What would you like to eat?”
Shaw shrugged, as she dropped her gaze to the table where her fingers were knotted tightly together. “I don’t care,” she whispered softly. “I can wait until dinner time. No need to fuss.”
“You’re hungry, waif. I refuse to allow my mate to go hungry when it is well within my power to make you dinner now.” He could see Shaw trying to form an argument, but he refused to allow it. “Let’s go into the kitchen and we’ll find something to silence your angry belly.”
She looked from him to Lonergan and back again. “If you’re sure it’s no trouble.”
“Not at all,” Marshall assured her as he rose then held a hand to her. “Now come along before you find yourself standing in a corner for not cooperating.”
She blinked and stared up at him with big deep brown eyes that reminded him of a rich chocolate sauce.
His cock pulsed and he felt his lips curl up in an uncharacteristic smile, which was unusual for the taciturn tiger shifter. “It’s going to be all right, Little one. Trust me.”
Shaw took a deep breath and winced as she released a sigh. “I don’t suppose I have much of a choice. I have nowhere else to go.”
“You don’t have to go anywhere else, waif. You’re home.” Marshall wanted to howl in pleasure as she laid her hand on his. “I promise, I will take very good care of you and make you proud to be my mate.”
Marshall led her into the kitchen and to a small wooden table with two chairs tucked in the corner of the kitchen beside the washer and dryer. “Sit down and relax. What’s your favorite sandwich?”
Shaw blinked and stared at him a moment before dropping her head to stare at the tabletop as she shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll eat anything.”
Marshall slid his hand under her chin and gently tilted her head back until her eyes met his.
“You don’t have to settle any longer. If it’s within my power, you will always have exactly what you want, no matter what. Understand?”
“Yes, Chef,” Shaw said as her lips turned up into the smallest of smiles.
“Good girl, Now, what is your favorite kind of sandwich?”
Chapter Three
Shaw thought just a moment before she answered. “Peanut butter and banana, without the crusts, please. But only if it’s not too much trouble.”
She expected Marshall to scoff at her request for no crusts as Dan always had. Instead, the big man just nodded. “PB and banana. That’s a new one. The girls usually want strawberry jam or grape jelly.”
Before she could defend her choice, Marshall moved away. He returned a moment later and set a plate in front of her. “Eat that while I fix your sandwich.”
She looked down at the plate and smiled at the face looking back at her. Instead of just being tossed on the plate, the cut-up vegetables made a face. Cucumber slices topped with cherry tomatoes made eyes while three baby carrots formed a smile, and two slices of bell pepper created ears.