Page 26 of Doctoring Dolly
His mouth on hers sent a shiver through her. He remained in control of the kiss even as his tongue traced her lips and pushed between them.
She ignored the catcalls and wolf whistles that sounded as he took the kiss even deeper. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, Dolly held on tight as he began to walk through the water. Only when he reached the side of the pool did he break the kiss.
“Out of the water, pet,” he said with a smile as he pulled her away from his body. He lifted her, setting her on the concrete apron that surrounded the pool.
“Have a good day?” she asked as he pushed up out of the pool with an impressive show of arm strength.
“I did. Did you have a good class this morning?”
“I did. It was very informative.”
“What was the class about?” Quincy asked as he stood and then reached down, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted her to her feet. He made it look so easy when she knew it had to be anything but.
Scooping her up into his arms, Quincy walked back toward their rooms. When she did not answer his question, he patted her butt. “Pet? What did you learn today?”
Dolly felt her face heat up as she shrugged. “Just some more stuff about BDSM. Different positions and bondage and stuff.”
“Anything you want to practice tonight?”
Dolly shrugged again. Give her pen and paper and she had no problems writing filthy conversations between her characters, but talking face-to-face with Quincy had her tongue-tied and unable to express herself.
“Maybe I should get a copy of the lesson plan from Derek and we can go over it together.” Quincy chuckled as her face burned even brighter.
“Can we please talk about this inside, Sir?” Dolly whispered as she wished he’d hurry past Sadie and her Little friends in their cute bathing costumes.
After leaving Derek in the lobby, Quincy grabbed a bottle of juice from the café and took it with him as he walked the grounds. He found a bench under some trees at the edge of the forest trail that was within sight of the resort building but had no one nearby. As he sipped from the bottle, he thought about Derek’s offer of a new career.
Then his thoughts shifted to Dolly. As he wondered if she’d considered a move to Montana to be with him, he realized how much he did not know about her. They had been so focused on the BDSM aspect of their partnership that he did not know the most basic details of her life. Like where she was from and what she did for a living.
Finishing his juice and realizing it was getting late, Quincy tossed the bottle in the trash and headed back to the resort. He had a woman to track down and answers to get out of her, which would hopefully help him make the decision about how to move into his future.
It might be too soon in their relationship to look at forever, but from past visits to Rawhide Ranch, Quincy understood that things here moved at a different pace than in the rest of the world. Most of the couples and throuples living and working here had clicked almost immediately after meeting and entered committed relationships within days of being together.
Entering his room, he peeked through the open connecting doors and saw that Dolly was not in her room, but the clothes she had dressed in that morning were lying on the bed. Going to the sliding doors, he saw a head of long, jet-black hair swimming the length of the pool. When she reached the end and turned to swim another lap, he saw the hair belonged to Dolly.
Stepping back from the glass doors, he quickly stripped and pulled on his board short swim trunks. Not bothering with flip-flops, he opened his door and headed to the pool. As he walked across the concrete skirt, he was happy his shorts were not too tight and allowed his erection room to breathe.
Lowering himself into the pool, he sighed as the cooler water wrapped around his lower half. His cock slowly softened, allowing blood to return to the rest of his body.
He watched Dolly as she continued to swim back and forth, her hair a flag in the water behind her. Since he did not know how long she had been swimming, and he did not want her to wear herself out completely, he allowed her to finish two more laps before he grabbed her.
He kept the conversation light and focused on her class while he got them out of the pool and carried her to his room. Once inside, he stopped long enough to close and flip the lock on the sliding door and then continued on to the bathroom.
“Are you ever going to let me down?” she asked even though she did not fight his hold.
“Maybe,” he said with a chuckle. Stepping into the walk-in shower, he turned on the taps, turning his back to protect her from the cold water that always rushed out first.
Once the water hitting his back warmed to a comfortable level, he turned around and allowed it to hit her. Only then did he set her on her feet and threaded his fingers through her hair to help rinse the chlorine out of it and down her back. When he turned her around to rinse off her front side, she allowed it, leaning her weight back against him.
She froze when he took hold of the shoulder straps and quickly stripped the suit down her body and legs until it plopped to the floor. He then picked her up and turned so he was between her and the shower. He rinsed off and dropped his shorts to the floor as well.
With the water still running, he lifted her once again, this time so they were face to face and cock to clit.
“Wrap your arms and legs around me,” he ordered.
“Oooo, cold,” she squealed in protest as he pressed her back against the shower wall.
Lifting her slightly with one hand under her ass, he fit the head of his cock to her pussy opening. He then lowered her onto his cock at the same time his hips canted forward so he filled her completely.