Page 105 of Never Say Never
Benito's phone rang and he winced looking down at it.
"That your hellion at home?" Gin joked.
"Twenty says Benito gets chewed out for not inviting Harlow," I said as I started to strip. If I was going home to York, I couldn't look like this. He wouldn't understand. The thought of him taking the girls and running had me scrubbing the blood from under my nails with the jugs of water we had brought along with us. My FBI brain screamed we might be leaving some evidence behind. I reminded myself that my brothers were good at what they did. They were only human but efficient. Everything was getting burned down regardless, there would be no traces of us left.
Enzo and Gin nodded. "We want in on that bet."
It was good to have my brothers back in my life.
I opened the door to my place. I fully expected pitch darkness to greet me. Any time I came back, everyone was sound asleep and I was left alone. I stopped short at the sight before me. York was asleep on the couch and the girls were on his chest, also snoring. The throw blanket rested over them as cartoons played in the background.
The door closed softly behind me, and I stayed standing there for far longer than I should have. I thought about taking my phone out and snapping a few photos, but I didn't want to take my eyes off them for a second. I wanted to be right there on the couch, holding all three of them. Soft snores came from the three of them in unison, lulling me closer.
I stayed still for another ten minutes before pushing off the door and heading toward them. Crouching down, I ran my fingers through Navy's curly hair and then Nyra’s. York's eyes opened at my sudden movement. His body went stiff before it steadily relaxed once our eyes met. I doubted he noticed how he tended to relax around me. The man was on edge twenty-four- seven, only relaxing when we were close together.
"You're back."
I nodded. "It was a long night."
York grunted trying to move his hand to touch me. I yearned for it. For him to make a move that didn't require me coaxing it out of him. I missed his subtle touches.
"There's a cut on your face."
Was there? I hadn't even noticed. By the end of the night, all I could think about was getting back home to them. "I'm okay."
"It's still bleeding." He sounded half-asleep.
"Careful there, York. I might think you're worried about me."
His frown dipped as if he couldn't figure out why I would say something like that.
"Let me help put the girls to bed. Where is Shelly?"
York yawned. "I gave her the rest of the night off after we went swimming. The girls wanted to wait for you to get back, so we hung out here."
They waited for me? If York was trying to convince me they weren't mine, he was doing a piss poor job of it. I scooped Nyra up in my arms and reached for Navy. She clung to York like an octopus. She grumbled and whined, but the moment she was in my arms, she settled back down.
"What are we feeding them? They're growing too fast."
York stood up, stretching his arms over his head. His deep brown skin came into view, and I remembered explicitly licking it.
"You're the cook. They even asked Shelly to stop cooking because they like your food better."
That made me unbearably happy. "I am the best."
"At cooking; not so much at being a decent human being."
I shrugged, heading for the girls room. "We can't all be flawless people."
"Murder is a huge flaw."
"Is it?"
York opened the door and headed inside to help put the girls in bed. Shelly was sprawled out, asleep in the middle of the king size bed. York shook his head.
"I'll sleep on the couch and the girls can have my room."
We stepped back out of the main suite and headed for his room. It was a bit messy with paperwork everywhere.