Page 13 of Never Say Never
"Shut up," I ground out through gritted teeth. "Keep going."
He clicked his tongue. "You're even more demanding now than you are at work."
"That's a lie."
"Yeah." He chuckled. "It is. You're ten times worse at work."
"Stop. Talking."
Paul's laughter made me moan harder as he continued to touch me. Every pass of his hand over my skin made goosebumps travel over my arms. I kept my mouth snapped shut for as long as possible before a pant fell from my lips. I writhed against him, needing and wanting more. His hand picked up speed and the laughter slowly fell away until he was moaning with me.
Reaching down, Paul lifted his shirt and tucked it into his teeth. I appreciated the view. His skin was a bit on the pale side for me, I did enjoy a good tan, but I could also tell that if he ever went out into the sun, he would be a bronzed god. Abs that looked as if they were etched in stone looked good and made sense on him. He liked going to the gym, especially during difficult cases, and it showed. My eyes glanced at a few scars that littered his body. I briefly wondered what they were from before I was drawn back to what we were doing and my questions were forgotten.
My balls tightened as a rush of pleasure came over me. I held my breath and it stuck in my throat as my chest rose and fell. Paul's eyes took on a devious glint and he moved faster. He used both hands instead of one, squeezing more tightly than before. I groaned, my back sliding down the wall as I tried to keep myself upright.
"Fuck, you look good," Paul moaned. I missed the view of his abs, but his voice was just as good. "I never thought I'd see you like this in real life. I want to take a picture of this moment. The great York Washington looking flushed, sweaty, and out of it."
"You talk too... too… Fuck. You talk too much!"
Paul chuckled. "Tell me to stop then. I don't think you will. You love it."
I swallowed a groan and closed my eyes as a wall of pleasure slammed into my chest. My back arched, my feet planting more firmly to keep myself upright. A moan slipped free as I cried out.
"Cum for me," Paul groaned. "Go on, you can do it. I want to know what my boss tastes like."
It shouldn't have been my tipping point, but it was. My eyes flew open, my chest squeezed, and I came so hard the world grew dark around the edges. Paul joined me, stroking me past the point of pleasure into the area of pain, and yet I still didn't want him to stop. He came hard, his body tightening before he panted and looked up at me with a devilish grin.
"See? That felt good, right?" he asked.
Before I could respond, Paul reached down, ran his finger through the cum that still rested on my cock, and shoved it into his mouth. The moan that fell from his lips made my cock twitch. I almost wished I had more in me, but I knew I was spent for a while.
"What now?" Paul asked as he pulled off the condom and flushed it down the toilet. He started cleaning us both up, and I didn't object. "Want to stick around for another drink? Or are you calling it a night?"
I searched his face, trying to decide if I should run or indulge. Paul searched my face, giving me puppy eyes. Finally, I gave in. "One more," I answered.
He smiled. "That's what I like to hear. Let's get out of here."
I didn't question him this time. Instead, I adjusted my clothes, washed up at the sink, and went back to making a stupid mistake without missing a single beat.
My laptop was open, a third can of energy drink sat open next to me, and I bounced my leg up and down. I scoured every known file in the system. Someone had to have slipped up somewhere with a name or an initial. After five hours on my day off, I wasn't any closer to finding who the rat was. I pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned back in my seat. This shit was getting more complicated by the day. York already came to the meeting with more information then he should have had. My idiot brothers and their love lives weren't a secret, but aside from a few blips, the details were too accurate.
I glanced at the wall in my small flat. Pictures hung up of various members. Some I knew personally, others entered the family long after I was gone. Asking Benito was out of the question. My older brother was paranoid, he'd only relaxed somewhat since getting married, but even then, he didn't allow anyone too close. Knowing him, he was bound to clean house before the snitch was located. The streets would not only be flooded with the blood of our enemies but potentially innocent members’ as well.
The wheels on my desk chair skirted over the hardwood floor as I pushed away from the small, flimsy desk. I didn't have enough room in my small place to have anything too big. I headed over to the wall, scanning each picture hoping someone stood out to me. Anyone would be fine. I needed somewhere to start. York wasn't one to slip up, so finding clues in the files turned out to be a bust. Not that I wasn't going to try again and again.
"Which of you fuckers needs to die?" I tapped the picture of one of my distant cousins. He had that snitch look about him. His patchy beard, glazed over brown eyes, liked he'd been dipping into the supply, and with a suit two sizes too big for his small frame.
I could trap him, get him in a spare warehouse and have a chat like the old days. I looked at my manicured fingernails and sighed. Being an FBI agent wasn't a clean job but it wasn't dirty either. My hands practically felt pristine from the lack of blood I'd shed.
My phone screen lit up on the edge of my desk, vibrating and moving closer to falling off. Who the fuck is calling me on my day off? If it was someone from the team, they were going to get a solid no, and I was certain I hadn't set up any hookups. I was still reeling from my last one.
My stomach clenched and my cock twitched in the confines of my shorts. Remembering the long stretch of York Washington's neck, his thick lashes practically resting on his cheeks and the slight flush under his deep brown skin was going to force me to jerk off again. It wouldn't be the first time, and I seriously doubted it was going to be the last. There were a lot of things I hadn't expected that night, but one of them was definitely the way my boss responded to my touch. At work, he was commanding and an unyielding force. In the club, outside of his element, he was different.
And he felt so fucking good.
I froze the moment the screen came into view. York's name flashed. Nothing went through my head as the world around me seemed to go still. I snapped out of my daze right before the phone vibrated off the desk. I answered it.