Page 26 of Never Say Never
"If it makes you feel better, never had her. We had drinks but she was too chatty."
Summer stared as if analyzing me and every word that came out of my mouth. She did that often, but I could do the same to her if I wanted too. Even if I did lie, she never caught me. Lying came to me second nature. I never struggled. It was probably in my blood.
"Get to work," York said.
His rich voice called to me and I instinctively took a step toward his office. He shut the door before I could fathom making it any closer. I smoothed my blue tie. It was suffocating but it was one of the many things I was forced to wear as Paul the FBI agent. I took a seat behind my desk and rolled my shoulders. I always had work but my mind continued to drift to York.
I wonder what he's doing, and if he's as into office sex as I am?
The thought to go ask him was alluring but I ignored it as I pulled up the FBI database. While I had full access, I went ahead and looked up the Triads and what info we had on them. There were copious amounts of digital files, some I didn't have clearance for, but I was certain I could find someone who did. Again, York came to mind but that was a bad idea. Sleeping with my boss for a good time was okay, but there was no way I could convince him to give me access to restricted files. My dick was godly but York Washington was a true atheist when it came to work.
I secretly jotted down what I could about the triads and noted a familiar name. Tasso. He was an Aceto, right? I made sure I circled it. I would have to check him out. Anything to help my family in the war they were in.
Four hours had passed before I knew it. None of my work was done but it was easy enough, I could complete it later tonight. I stretched, popping my back as I did so. York's door opened just as I stood up from my desk. I shouldn't follow him, but I was a sucker for his firm ass dressed in slacks.
"Long day?"
York's shoulders were a lot more tense than earlier that morning. He almost looked like he'd been on cloud nine for a bit there.
"Maybe," York said, reaching for the coffee pot after I followed him into the kitchen.
"Want to talk about it?"
York raised a brow.
I took a quick glance around. No one else was in the kitchen area. "Or I could do other relaxing things."
York's deep brown skin didn't hide the blush creeping up his neck and filling his cheeks. He instantly looked to my lips and then down my body.
Warmth followed wherever he gazed as if he'd physically caressed me. York took a step toward me before he shook his head. The sexual need between us was only growing thicker by the day. At least I wasn't insane. One taste, was in fact, not enough.
York's hand landed on my shoulder and I swore it felt like I wasn't wearing anything. An involuntary shiver raced down my spine.
"Gallo, enough."
"What?" Why was he using my last name?
"We're at work. Anything that happened, didn't."
I had told plenty of hookups the same thing. Had explicitly explained it to them prior to getting into bed with them. I hadn't expected it from York. A pang in the middle of my chest was the only indication that it affected me.
York blew out a breath, his face blank, void of any emotion. I'd been smiling and enjoying my day but now it felt like crap. I wasn't angry, or at least I was more than willing to tell myself that. We had fun, that's all it was. How many times had York said it? He wanted fun and that's what he got when he slipped into my bed.
He's my boss and enemy, anyway.
Like flipping a switch, I shut it all down. If Benito called right now and told me to kill York, I would. There was a white noise in my head that settled any unwanted emotion. I wasn't here to make any real attachments. I wasn't even Paul.
"Right, it won't happen again, sir." I plastered on the fake, good boy smile that had gotten me into the academy.
Everyone knew the best fake identity was one that had inklings of the real one. But as I shut it off, I gave him the plastic mold that was Paul Gallo.
"Good. Go round everyone up, Agent Gallo. Meeting in the conference room in five."
I acknowledged the order and headed out to get the team. Nothing happened. Not York splayed out on my bed, gripping my sheets for dear life as I pumped my fingers into his tight hole. Not even him slamming his cock down my throat and using me like some toy. None of it.
Getting the entire team to the conference room was easy. A few of them stared at me strangely but I wasn't in the headspace to put them fully at ease.
"Everyone in?" York asked.