Page 41 of Never Say Never
"Don't move," I warned.
Marianna had her phone in hand, shaking, and barely able to hold onto it.
"You got kids—" Threatening her children would have been the easiest way to get her to cooperate, but after spending time with Navy and Nyra, I couldn't help but picture their faces. "Shut the fuck up and toss your phone over here. Don't make me come up with some fun way to make you do it."
"Who are you?" Marianna asked as she followed my instructions.
Her phone skidded over the floor as I dropped her husband to the ground. His head bounced off the wood, dragging out a tortured groan from him. If he didn't have a concussion from the blow to his temple, he had one now.
I shut the back door. "Before I answer your question, how about you answer mine. Sit."
Marianna sat down and shook in the chair. She glanced at her husband.
"Have you been in contact with any law enforcement lately?"
The first tell was Marianna's slight sharp intake of breath along with the tightening of her muscles.
"No, I have not." Her accent came through stronger with every word that passed her lips. "I?—"
I drew my foot back and brought it full force into Diego's face. His head whipped to the side, blood and a tooth sprayed out of his mouth.
She shot up. "No, Dios mío. Diego!"
"Sit down," I ordered. One look around, and I caught sight of just what I needed. In the backyard were a few baseballs which meant they had a bat. There it was behind the back door, as if someone had been afraid of an intruder.
I picked it up, twisting it around like old times sake and doing a few practice swings. The wood bat cut through the air with a whoosh.
"Lie again and I'll break a leg or a rib." I smiled at her. My blue contacts were gone but the dark wig was prominent instead of the blond that was tucked beneath it. I didn't fully look at myself, but once I removed the ball cap, I knew she could see it. The similarities to Gin.
"No, no, no, lo sabía, sabía que esto sucedería."
"And yet you did it." I shook my head. "You knew turning on my family would lead to this."
"No, that's not what happened."
I drew the bat back, twisting my upper body till I couldn't anymore before swinging as hard as I could against the guy’s side. Diego's eyes flashed open as a gurgled scream left him. His words were a shaken mess, impossible to decipher.
My hands clenched and unclenched around the bat. It felt orgasmic to swing like the good old days. I groaned, tempted to do it again.
"Por favor no lastimes a mi familia. Lo lamento. Lo lamento. Por favor dios nos salve," Marianna pleaded. Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Sad really. You should have been this loyal to Benito." I pointed the bat her way. "He gave you nothing but respect but you turned around and spat in his face."
She shook her head, her long thick hair falling out of the ponytail she wore. Marianna was truly a beautiful woman. It was too bad she was a traitor. I could see why my brother's husband might have gotten the wrong idea.
"I had to do it."
A single brow lift was all I gave her. I held my finger up, listening out for the kids I knew she had. "Where are your kids?"
She shook her head. "Please no. They are innocent."
"You don't love your husband, do you?" I slammed the bat down on his right leg. The moment the bat made contact, a delicious vibration shot up my arms, traveled down my body, and stroked along the length of my cock.
Diego couldn't even move, his cry was pitiful as he spat more blood. His eyes closed and his mouth parted.
"No more."
"I'm trying but you're making this hard. My mom taught me to never hit a woman, but in your case." I stepped over to her and whipped the back of my hand against her face. Marianna crashed to the ground, more tears streaming down her cheeks but she looked pleased it was her instead of her unconscious husband. "Rats don't count. Now talk."