Page 52 of Never Say Never
"No, he isn't." Nyra tugged on Shelly's sleeve looking younger than she really was. "Dad and Paul go on dates."
We didn't, but they sure as shit felt like dates.
"That isn't true. Your father isn't into..." Shelly gestured at me like I was an anomaly.
She was very wrong.
"Now, girls, we've been over this. Lying isn't ladylike. We should sit and wait for news from your father."
"We aren't lying, are we, Paul? You and Daddy are boyfriends, aren't you?" Navy asked. She stared at me expectantly.
I couldn’t disappoint them. "Yes."
It wasn’t a lie per se. We were men and happened to be somewhat friends. That had to count, right?
"What?" Shelly asked, eyes wide in utter shock. If I wasn't so focused on York, I'd swear there was anger on her splotchy face.
"See?" Navy turned to me pointing for me to squat down.
I did just that, not sure what she wanted from me, but knowing I'd try and help. She placed both small hands on my cheeks and forced our eyes to meet.
"Is Daddy okay?"
Nyra ran over to me, abandoning her nanny. "Is he hurt?"
I didn't want to scare them, but I wasn't sure what York would want them to know either. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, looking at both girls.
"You know how strong your dad is, right?"
Both of them nodded, hanging onto every single word.
"Then there is nothing to worry about. He got a little hurt, but he’ll be okay."
Navy and Nyra's eyes watered. Their bottom lips trembled as tears started to race down their cheeks. I looked up at Shelly, unsure of what the fuck I should do. She smirked as if me floundering with the girls was her favorite entertainment to date. I ignored her. She was no fucking help anyway. I thought about my own father. He would have punched me and Gin, told us both to suck it up. Men didn't fall prey to their weak emotions. That wasn't the right way to handle this. My mother, god rest her soul, was different. She'd hold us and encourage us to understand why we felt this way.
I took a seat on the cold floor and held out my arms to both girls. "You don't have?—"
Nyra was first to fall against my chest, a cry ripping from her small frame. She buried her face against my chest, soaking it with her tears. "Will he be okay?"
As if Navy only needed to see her twin give in, she fell into my other side. She held on just as tight. I was awkward, but neither girl seemed to care, taking comfort from me as needed. I relaxed slowly, holding them both. My fingers tangled in curly hair as I soothed them.
"He will be fine. I bet he's going to open his eyes and yell at me."
"Why?" Nyra asked.
I shrugged. "I'm always getting in trouble with your dad. It's fun." I smiled at them.
Navy shook her head, wiping her tears on my suit jacket.
"Girls, why don't you come sit over here while we wait," Shelly said.
Navy and Nyra snuggled closer in my arms. "No, thank you."
"They're fine."
"I'm their nanny."
"Good for you, be their nanny from over there. They don't want to move right now. You shouldn't stress them out anymore, this is hard for them."