Page 97 of Never Say Never
I stared at him. "Sorry isn't enough."
"What is?"
I didn't have an answer for him. The pain that I felt refused to go away. Yes, he'd saved our lives, but I couldn't help but to feel like if he had never crossed our paths we wouldn't have been put in that danger in the first place. How could I see him as anything other than what he was when I knew just how terrible the Vitales were?
"I have a question," I said.
"Our first date, when we were having dinner at that restaurant, the one it's impossible to get reservations to." I laughed. "Although, I guess not for a Vitale."
"Why did you really leave? I know you don't have a sister."
Paolo tensed up. "You want the truth?"
"I don't want a lie."
He sighed. "I had to answer Benito's call, and then I found one of the Acetos spying on us. I killed him."
I stared at him. I killed him. He said the words so casually, as if they meant nothing. My heart felt like it was going to break all over again. Slowly, I backed away from him.
"You're scared," he said.
"No, I'm rational. I'll be with the girls."
"York, wait."
I didn't stick around. Instead, I scooped up the files that had been given to me and made my way to my daughters’ room. The moment they saw me, they lit up.
"Are you coming to watch a movie, Daddy?" Nyra asked.
"Where's Pau—Where's Paolo?" Navy asked.
As I looked between the two of them, I swallowed hard. How was I supposed to have answers for them when I was just as lost?
"Paolo." Nyra's sweet voice pulled me out of my own thoughts.
I was in an endless loop of bullshit. We were no closer to ending the war and erasing the threat to York and the girls. My brothers were still being weird, and things between York and I were rockier with each passing day.
"What, gremlin?"
Her nose scrunched up, but she still came over to me. She looked pointedly at the paperwork I was pouring over. After years of sitting at a desk and reading files, I still wasn't used to the shit. I pushed it to the side so she had room. Her smile was so light and refreshing, I couldn't help but to mirror it. The girls were the only reason I was able to smile at all lately. I always thought being back home with my brothers, I'd be happy. Every day I was away from them, I thought about how great it was going to be when I returned. That was a pipe dream that I should have let go of a long time ago.
Nyra climbed into my lap, and I settled her on one leg, fully anticipating her twin joining. "I'm bored."
Oh. They'd already had lunch, and games had been exhausted. Even I was over Chutes and Ladders. Navy came in just like I'd expected her to.
"Can we go out? You know, outside."
I shook my head. "Not yet."
Both girls groaned, and I felt bad I had to tell them no. How in the hell did York do it all the time?
"Please," Navy whined.
"We will be really, really good. Pretty please." Nyra was laying it on thick, cuddling up to me.