Page 3 of The Wild Man
His deep, rumbly growl comes across the line. Dad’s a control freak. He hates not getting his way, especially with me. There are some things I’ll relent on because it’s not worth the trouble of fighting him or my brothers, but there are some times, now, for instance, I put my foot down. No one is taking this opportunity away from me.
“At least let me send one of your brothers with you,” he suggests, his tone more calm, but I still hear the anger and worry behind his words.
“No,” I reply stubbornly. “I want to do this on my own.”
“Jesus Christ, Ever,” he mutters in exasperation. “You’ll put me in an early grave one of these days.”
“Oh stop being dramatic, Dad. You’ll be fine.”
“The hell I will. You’ll be out in the middle of fucking nowhere. There’s a number of different predators in that area of the wilderness. Not just the four-legged kind. I’m more worried about this man you’re so dead-set on finding. Do you have any fucking clue how dangerous this can be?”
“Yes, I understand. I’m not an idiot. You raised me to be a smart, independent, and strong woman. I’m taking precautions. I’ll have my sat phone, taser, and my gun.” I give the same reassurances I gave Rika not even an hour ago.
“None of that will do you any good if this guy sneaks up on you.”
“That may be so, but I’ve also got all the physical training you and the guys taught me.”
For countless hours, Dad and my brothers forced me down in the basement of my childhood home to the training room to learn self-defense maneuvers. It may have been annoying back then, but I appreciate it now. Especially considering the couple of times I’ve had to use some of those moves on men with grabby hands who didn’t want to take no for an answer.
“I still don’t like this,” Dad grumbles. “Why does this mean so much to you?”
I don’t have an answer for him. I’m just as stumped as he is. I’ve been obsessed with the story of Wild Man for the last five years. Ever since I overheard Mrs. Crocker talking about him in the grocery store.
“It doesn’t matter why. It just is.”
His breath crackles across the line. “I expect daily reports. If I don’t hear from you?—”
I finish the sentence for him. “You and the boys will storm the area until you find me. Got it.”
“I’m serious, Ever,” he warns relentlessly.
“I know.” My lips tip up into a smile, relieved he’s finally conceding. Surprisingly, talking him into backing off was easier than I thought it would be.
“Keep the sat on you at all times. And keep the gun loaded.”
“Already planned on it.”
“Daily reports, Everlee,” he repeats like I didn’t hear him the first time.
“Yes, Dad.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. And send my love to the guys.”
I press the End Call button on the screen just as I reach the Black Ridge National Forest sign. Adrenaline and excitement course through my veins.
After years of curiosity and tons of research, I’ll finally be able to uncover the story of the mysterious Wild Man.
I swipe my fingers over my chin and the corners of my mouth, checking to make sure no drool has pooled out between my lips.
Never in all my twenty-seven years, out of all the guys I’ve dated or the ones I’ve met, or even the men in the few pornos I’ve watched, have I ever seen a more gorgeous man.
Handsome is too tame a word. Attractive pales in comparison. Sexy comes close, but it’s still not strong enough. Outrageously, devastatingly gorgeous is the only way to describe the man fifty feet away from me.