Page 68 of The Wild Man
“Why did you save him all those years ago?”
Wild Man tips his head back, like he’s enjoying the attention I’m giving him. “Wanted coyote dinner.”
I snort out a laugh at his reply. That may be the case, but I also believe it was because he simply wanted to save Ben.
“You must really trust him to allow him in your home.”
“Our home.”
I roll my eyes, but my lips twitch with a small smile. “Fine. Our home.”
“Hmm…,” he hums. I peek at the side of his face and find his eyes are closed.
“Why did you never go with him when he offered to take you to town?”
His eyes open and he looks across the space. “Liked where I was. Didn’t want different.”
That’s understandable. Anyone would be leery of such a big change. Especially when those changes are so drastic and you don’t fully understand what those changes would be.
I carefully work on a knotted section. “Do you ever regret not going? Do you ever wonder what life would be like away from here?”
“No.” His thumbs move circles on my ankles. “Maybe now.”
My fingers pause in his hair, and I look at him. “Why now?”
His eyes flicker to the side, meeting mine. “Is momor happy?” he asks instead of answering.
“With you, yes,” I reply with the truth. I am happy with Wild Man. More so than I ever thought possible. “But out here,” I use the brush to gesture around us, “only sometimes. It’s much different than what I’m used to. It’s harder to live in a place like this. And I miss my family and friends.”
His brows drop, but he doesn’t say anything else. I want to know what he’s thinking. Is he mulling over the possibility of leaving the wilderness? Taking a chance in civilization? For some reason, that thought makes me a little sad. I don’t want Wild Man to change because of me. I love the way he is. His savage nature is what drew me to him. Living in civilization will eventually force that out of him.
But should I have to totally change to be with him? Upend my life and forget about the people I love? Living without him is something I can’t even comprehend now, but I don’t want to live without my family and friends either. In order for us to be together, one of us will have to make sacrifices.
“Do you trust me, Wild Man?” I ask.
I drop the section of hair and pick up another as I hold my breath and wait for his answer. The absence of the rope and his willingness to allow Ben into the tree hut proves he does, but I want to hear him say the words.
“Yes.” There’s no hesitation in his voice.
“I’m glad.” His answer pleases me, and I can’t help the silly grin that slides across my face.
As much as I want to broach the subject about us leaving, I decide to wait. I don’t see Wild Man being very receptive to the idea at first, and I don’t want to ruin this moment.
Once I’m done with his hair, I run my fingers through the strands, amazed at how soft it is. It reaches just past his shoulder blades and is the prettiest color I’ve ever seen. His mom had red hair, so I wonder if his dad had the same bluish black hair or if he got it from someone else in his family.
I drop the brush by my hip and push Wild Man’s shoulders. “Lay down,” I tell him. His head twists around and he looks at me. I lean forward and press my lips against his shoulder. “Please.”
I move out of the way as he gets to his knees. When he starts to move around to lie on his back, I stop him. “No, on your stomach.”
His brows drop, but he doesn’t argue as he leans forward on his fists and lays down. I hike a leg over him and settle my weight down on his butt. Leaning forward, I press my hands against his lower back, digging my fingers into the muscles. I smile when Wild Man lets out a deep groan.
I work my hands in circular motions, hitting all the hard muscles. I can’t imagine how good this must feel for him, having never had someone give him a massage.
I slowly move up his back, kneading his lats with my knuckles, then switching to my fingers when I get to his deltoids and shoulders.
Wild Man lifts his hips, one of his hands going under him, and a little thrill goes through me because I know he’s adjusting himself. Is what I’m doing turning him on?
I suck in a breath when the movement has his ass pressing against my core.