Page 76 of The Wild Man
I don’t know how long I’ve been laying here, which means I don’t know how long momor has been gone. I’ve woken up a couple of times, but each time I did, the slightest movement had blackness swallowing me up again.
Slowly, I lift my arm, testing the movement. When the blackness doesn’t fill what little vision I have and the pain is barely tolerable, I bring my hand to my face. The skin around my eyes feels different, puffy, which is why I can’t open them. There are also several deep cuts on my face. The blood from them is dry and not fresh, which means they’re are no longer bleeding.
There’s a rustle of movement over where I think the opening is. My first instinct is to get up and defend my home, but that’ll take more strength than I have right now. So I lie here, tracking the creature by its movements. I can tell by the sound of their steps it’s an animal and not momor’s family coming back to finish me off.
I feel warm breath on the side of my face. Before the whine comes, I know who it is.
“Teeja,” I grate between my teeth.
He answers by swiping his tongue on my cheek. The lick stings, and I want to push him away, but what little strength I woke with is going away.
“Teeja, no,” I say. Even talking is painful as my throat is dry and scratchy.
Familiar black spots move into my vision and my hearing sounds muffled, like something is covering my ears. Little pricks poke along my scalp, almost like something is crawling around on my head.
I decide to close my eyes for a moment until the feelings go away.
* * *
I don’t know how long my eyes are closed, but this time when I open them, I can see a little more. The sun is directly above me, shining through the trees way up in the sky. My body feels like it’s on fire, the pain different than it was before. Each breath I take in sends a sharp pain through my side, but I force the air into my lungs anyway.
I turn my head to the side and see Teeja only a couple of feet from me. He’s lying on his stomach with his head on his paws.
“Teeja,” I grunt and the wolf’s head pops up.
He doesn’t get up, but stays lowered to the ground as he scoots forward on his paws until his face is close to mine. He whines, flicking his tongue out to lick across my forehead.
With effort, I test my legs, the muscles tensing as I try to lift them. I can move them, but it makes the pain in my side worse. I try my arms next. They’re easier to lift, but it’s still not enough to get me off the ground.
My mind screams at me to get up and go after momor, but my body won’t allow it. Anger coats my insides, making my skin feel hot.
I have to be strong to get her back, and right now, I’m as weak as a baby and can barely move.
I know her family won’t hurt her. She’s safe with them.
And that’s the only thing that gives me peace of mind.
But once I heal and get my strength back, I’ll be taking back what’s mine.
Wild Man and I are in the bathing pool. The bright sun shines down on us, making the clear water sparkle brilliantly. Water falls down on us from the small trickle sliding over a rock’s edge, mimicking a shower. It feels cool and refreshing.
But what feels better is the way Wild Man is holding me. I have my arms and legs wrapped tightly around his shoulders and waist. His big hands are on my ass, holding me up. We look deeply into each other’s eyes as he slowly slides his cock in and out of me, hitting spots inside that feel incredible.
“Momor,” he whispers in a tone I’ve never heard from him before. It’s filled with reverence and devotion.
We’re making love. He fucks me softly and slowly and with care. It’s just as I knew it would be.
When Wild Man fucks me, using his strength to slam inside me, his hands gripping me to hold me in place, a feral look in his eyes, he always makes me feel things I never knew were possible. He brings my body to life in a way that’s life altering.
But making love with him has me seeing a galaxy worth of stars. He makes me feel loved and adored. Like I’m the only thing he’ll ever need. The only thing he’ll ever see. Like I was put on this earth for the sole purpose of being with this man, just as he is the same to me.
It’s a complete contradiction from what I’m used to from this savage man.
He leans forward and gently presses his lips against mine. His tongue slides out and licks across the seam, and I immediately open to let him inside. He makes love to my mouth just as sweetly as he does with the rest of his body.