Page 34 of Crimson Fate
The question catches me slightly off guard. It isn’t like Marco to pry into my personal affairs—unless it affects business. I hesitate, trying to gauge why he’s interested.
“We’re seeing where things go,” I answer, my tone noncommittal. I’m not about to spill my deepest thoughts at this stage in the game, even to Marco. “Why does it matter?”
He gnaws at his bottom lip, and I can see he’s apprehensive about sharing his thoughts. Finally, he reveals, “Feelings make us vulnerable, Vin. And vulnerability can be exploited. I just don’t want to see you get into a position that makes you more of a target than you already are.”
“Are you questioning my judgment?” I challenge, stepping closer.
“Never,” Marco replies quickly, holding my gaze. “I’m sorry, I meant no disrespect. You and—and your dad...” His tone dips at the mention of my father. “You two were the only family I had after my dad died, and Mom, well, you know—”
Marco’s father, my dad’s half-brother, was killed when Marco was barely ten. His mom couldn’t handle shit after he was gone and let her three kids run wild while she chased her next high. My dad looked out for Marco, and I have always looked at him more like a brother than a cousin. Dad put him to work early and always made sure he had a job to help bring in cash to take care of his little brother and sister. I know his loyalty runs deeper than most, but I still need to make sure he never forgets there’s a hierarchy in this family. A lesson my father drilled into me since I can remember.
“I know you didn’t. Keep this between us right now—”
He nods in response before I continue.
“Marriage is on the table,” I say abruptly, watching as his brows knit together. The words feel foreign on my tongue, but they’re out there now, hanging between us like an unspoken challenge.
“Marriage?” he echoes, clearly taken aback. “To Gia?”
“Who else?” I laugh.
“Wait—what? I’ve never heard you say a word about her before this week. Are you in love with her?” Marco asks quietly, his voice steady despite the gravity of the question.
A muscle twitches in my jaw. “Why is everyone so obsessed with love? What’s wrong with marrying for the sake of the family’s future?”
“I don’t understand. What does marrying Gia have to do with the family’s future?” he asks.
I sigh. I was hoping not to get into this at the moment, but if anyone should understand what’s on the line with this union, it’s Marco. “Who would you say is the most respected among our capos?”
Marco considers the question carefully before responding. “It would have to either be Anthony or Bruno.”
“Exactly, the two old-school boys who have been around forever,” I agree. “There’s a lot of whispering going on that I can’t hack it and I won’t be able to run things like my old man did. So if I marry the daughter of the most respected capo in our family, think of how that looks to everyone. Combining our houses is the biggest statement of loyalty Anthony can give.”
“But what if Anthony won’t give his blessing?”
“Who do you think came to me with the idea in the first place?”
“No shit?” Marco’s mouth falls open in shock. “Does Gia know you and her dad are hatching this plan?”
“She does, and she is completely on board.”
He blinks at me repeatedly as if he’s having trouble processing my statement. “Does she love you?”
I tilt my head, studying Marco for a moment. I never imagined he would be one to get so fixated on love. “Not yet. But she understands that love is a luxury not everyone can afford. I don’t have the same options as my sister.” My hands clench at my sides, the knuckles whitening. “You know this life as well as I do. Sometimes partnering with an ally is all the win we can hope for.”
Marco nods, a ghost of a smile touching his lips. “I do. And I also know Gia. She’s beautiful, strong...” He pauses, his gaze piercing, and I can see he wants to say more, but he’s stopped himself. “You’re a lucky man to have her as an option.”
My eyes open wide as a realization settles over me. “That’s right. Your dad and hers were pretty tight back in the day, weren’t they?” I ask, eyeing my cousin.
He nods his head. “Anthony checked in on me now and then, and I drove for him for a little bit. He always wanted a son, but when it never happened, he raised Gia around the life. She’s not like most of the women we know.”
“I appreciate your insight, but Gia isn’t just some woman to stand by my side. I can see that she’s sharp and perceptive. In the little bit of time we’ve spent together, I can already see that she can read a room better than most men I know.”
I watch Marco’s face closely. He nods, his expression unreadable, but there’s a tension in his jaw that wasn’t there before.
“Boss, you don’t need to convince me,” he says, stepping closer. His hands, despite his youth, are roughened from years of loyalty and service. “Gia is exceptional. She’ll make a fine queen for the family.”
“Then why do I feel like you’re holding out on me?” I ask, narrowing my eyes slightly.