Page 23 of Crimson Vows
Nico’s jaw clenches, a flicker of tension passing through his features as he continues, “Before the night on your father’s boat, Dante and I were in a physical relationship.” The words hang heavy in the air like a shroud of secrecy, enveloping us in a veil of unexpected emotion.
My mind reels at the revelation, a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief sweeping through me. If I understood what Nico was telling me, this was not something I had ever witnessed between two men in the Mafia world.
I search Nico’s eyes for any sign of deception, but all I find is sincerity and a hint of sympathy. His admission sends ripples through the carefully constructed boundaries I’ve kept around my heart, threatening to unravel the fragile threads that bind me to this dangerous world.
“Dante...” My voice falters, the weight of his unspoken emotions pressing down on me. “I had no idea.”
“It’s complicated,” Nico murmurs. “Dante and I go way back, and our relationship has always been... intricate.”
“Does Marco know?” The question slips past my lips, a sharp pang of uncertainty threading through my voice.
Nico’s eyes darken. “I think he might, but he’s never said one way or the other.”
“Dante...” I begin, the name feeling foreign on my tongue as I navigate this unfamiliar territory. “So he was here today because...”
Nico’s expression softens, a glimmer of vulnerability surfacing beneath his composed exterior. “Because he is still having a hard time accepting I can care for more than one person at a time,” he murmurs, his voice tinged with regret.
“What do you mean?” I press.
“Look, this isn’t usually something I like to cover on my first date with someone,” Nico begins. “But I’m polyamorous.”
I knew the meaning of the term and, in fact, had been involved with a man once that identified the same. “So, what, he came here looking to stop your date with me?” I inquire.
“When I told him about our date, he disclosed he still had feelings for me. I tried to explain I had feelings for him too, but that didn’t stop me from having feelings for other people in my life.”
I reach for Nico’s hand, a silent gesture of understanding and solidarity in the face of turmoil. “It must be hard,” I murmur, my voice laced with empathy.
“I told Dante if he can’t accept that part of who I am, it might be better if we don’t see each other in a romantic sense any longer,” Nico explains as his gaze softens, a mixture of gratitude and sadness reflecting in his eyes. “Honestly, after seeing Marco at your apartment this morning, I thought perhaps if someone understood, it would be you.”
As his words wash over me, a swell of conflicting emotions rises within my chest. “What do you mean?”
“All Marco said was that the two of you aren’t labeling anything, and right now, you’re open to pursuing other opportunities.”
I chuff at Marco’s explanation.
Nico frowns. “I told him up front how things worked with me, but I guess after I almost died, things became confusing for him. I’m his first relationship with a man, so I think a lot of feelings are tied up for him.”
“I guess that makes sense,” I reply. “Ya know, I really appreciate you trusting me enough to share this with me.”
Nico’s eyes meet mine with relief and gratitude, his gaze reflecting a depth of vulnerability that resonates within me. “Unfortunately, our world isn’t very accepting of men like me. I think Marco might have suspicions, but I doubt he would ever confirm them with me.”
“Why not?” I ask.
“Sometimes it’s easier not to know, I guess.”
Nico’s vulnerability tugs at my heart, a silent plea for acceptance and understanding. “That’s fucking stupid. Are you going to be okay?”
Biting momentarily at his bottom lip, he finally admits, “I’ll be fine, I’m worried about Dante. All of this is so new to him, and I’m not sure how to help.”
“I think it’s nice that you think about what it’s doing to him. That’s a lot more considerate than most men I’ve dated are to me.”
Nico smiles as he continues. “Sounds like you’ve been dating the wrong men.” He isn’t wrong. “Besides, Dante needs me. It’s not like he has any friends he could open up to about what’s going on with us. I think he’s feeling pretty alone right now.”
I sit upright. “Wait!” I exclaim. “I have an idea. Why don’t you bring Dante over to my place tonight? The three of us can cook dinner together, and then we can watch a movie or something.”
“Oh...” Nico begins, the apprehension heavy in his voice. “That’s really nice of you, but—”
“Stop right there. I insist,” I press with newfound determination. “It’s not just for you. It would be for me too. Ever since my dad... well, let’s just say I don’t get a ton of visitors these days. But it could be a nice gesture, a chance for all of us to spend time together and get to know each other better. Maybe I can help Dante feel more at ease.”