Page 54 of Crimson Vows
“Oh... okay. I just got to Vincent’s, but I could head to you if you want,” I offer, confusion setting in as I try to think of the reason behind her request.
“No, come upstairs. I’m already here, in Vincent’s office. I’m waiting for you.” My stomach sinks at the revelation. Amelia is no longer a King, so this shouldn’t happen. Something must be wrong.
“You’re what?” I blurt out, my mind starting to spin through the possibilities. “Is Vincent okay?”
“He’s fine,” she answers flatly. “Now please—come upstairs.”
“On my way,” I answer, and the call ends, the silence swallowing me. Panic takes hold. Vincent may be the boss of the King family, but Amelia—she was cut from the same cloth as her father. She puts on this serene façade, but I have seen what lurks beneath. When it comes to those she loves, there is nothing she would not do to protect them, and I mean nothing.
I exit the car and make my way into the building. As I move toward the elevator, each step is heavier than the last. It’s early, and considering nobody stayed at the penthouse last night, no security is on duty yet. A young man sits at the lobby desk, finishing his overnight shift before Walter relieves him. He greets me as I enter, recognizing me instantly. I offer a half smile and move past him quickly, as I can’t remember his name. My thoughts are consumed by the situation I’m about to walk into.
I press the elevator button, and when I enter, I scan my badge. My mind is heavy with questions. How did Amelia get upstairs? Her badge was deactivated before she married Ivanov. Have things changed? Are she and Vincent working together again? Could the conversation I overheard recently between Vincent, Alexei, and Nikolai signal an alliance I’m unaware of? If I’m his consigliere, why keep me in the dark? What else don’t I know? I suck in a deep breath, trying to calm the chaos erupting inside my head.
I love Amelia. She’s my cousin, but trust is a luxury I can’t afford—not even with family. I pull my gun from my waistband and double-check the magazine before replacing it. I try to force my mind away from the dark places it’s trying to go as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open.
There is no avoiding what is happening and so I decide to face whatever it is head-on. I walk straight to Vincent’s office to find Amelia leaning against the window at the far side of the room, her arms crossed and her expression unreadable as she peers out at the city. The office is bathed in the morning light, illuminating her in a way that makes her look angelic. I know better than to let my guard down, though. She looks up as I enter, her gaze penetrating. There’s a tension in the room that unsettles me.
“Amelia, hey, sorry I wasn’t here to greet you. If I had known you were coming, I would have made sure I was early. What’s going on?” I ask, fighting the urge to ask her how in the hell she has access to the penthouse.
“Marco, good morning,” she says, facing me. I cross the room to Vincent’s desk, shifting the papers into neat piles that I left strewn all over the night before. She doesn’t answer my question. Instead, she asks me, “How was your evening with Gia?”
Amelia isn’t asking me about my evening as a pleasantry. She’s asking me to let me know she is fully aware of everything I do and has eyes everywhere. It’s becoming clear my worries about her unexpected visit are not unfounded.
“After such long hours this week, Gia’s company was... welcomed,” I reply, keeping my voice even and betraying nothing.
“That’s right, you’ve had quite the busy week with Vincent being gone, haven’t you?” Neither of us sits, as we continue the dance. I don’t reply to her question, causing her to continue. “I mean, there was Bobby’s arrest, then I heard you also had to deal with some construction workers threatening to strike at one of the sites.”
My body goes rigid in response to the knowledge Amelia possesses. Vincent left me in charge of running this family while he was away and addressing any threats, yet, for some reason, Amelia is aware of everything. Was Vincent feeding her these details, or was she capitalizing on relationships that still existed within the family? And if that were the case, for what reason? I clear my throat. “Look, Amelia, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I don’t think Vincent would like to hear that the Ivanovs are gathering information on our operation.”
“Careful, cousin,” she warns, widening her stance as she glares at me from across the room. “It would serve you well to remember I am both a King and an Ivanov.”
“Not according to Vincent,” I reply. “At least not the last time I heard. I think he made it pretty clear how he felt about you in the family business when you married Alexei.”
A faint smile plays on her lips. The coldness in it sends a shiver down my spine. “You know how fickle my brother can be. After everything that happened with Anthony, we’ve managed to... reconcile.”
I clench my jaw, her words heavy in the air between us. “That’s news to me.”
“Just because you’re unaware doesn’t mean it’s not a fact,” she replies.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I prefer not to discuss family business with you unless Vincent himself instructs me to do so,” I answer firmly.
Amelia moves away from the window, her steps sure as she approaches me, her eyes never leaving mine.
“No matter, none of that is what I came here to discuss with you,” she says coolly, stopping a few feet away from me.
“Great, so why don’t you tell me why you’re here?” I snap, my patience for her game of cat and mouse growing thin.
“Fine.” She matches my tone. “I came here because I was informed last night there are whispers of betrayal within the ranks—whispers that involve you.”
A sinking feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. The reality of her visit is worse than anything I could have imagined.
“Betrayal?” I repeat, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing inside me. “What are you talking about? I would never betray Vincent or the family. You know that.”
Everything in me wants to tell her how true those words are. I want to tell her I was tempted by the thought of it, but that despite me realizing Vincent probably does not deserve my loyalty, he has it. If I tell her everything, though, I know the danger that would put those I care about in. She won’t hear there is no actual betrayal. All she will glean from the conversation is that the words were uttered, and in this world, that’s enough.
Amelia’s gaze sharpens, her eyes boring into mine with a fierce intensity. “Don’t lie to me. This is your chance to come clean. Marco, tell me the truth—are you plotting against my brother?”
“Fuck you, Amelia. I already told you I’m loyal to Vincent,” I say, locking my jaw and meeting her stare head-on. There’s no room for hesitation, no crack in my armor for her to exploit. Inside, though, I’m already starting to crumble. What if she doesn’t believe me? Who brought her this information? Am I being set up? If so, by whom and for what reason?