Page 65 of Forced Bratva Wife
It warmed beneath my fingers as I pressed it to Lev’s neck, and I looked back at Pietor.
“Okay, we have a moment. I need the sutures and needle, tweezers, the disinfectant, scissors, and tape.”
With all the muscle memory and training standing behind me, I was able to get Lev’s injury cleaned and stitched up. He didn’t wake up during the process, which was both good and bad. I wanted him numbed or out for this, but I didn’t like how much blood he’d lost, and giving him blood wasn’t an option right now.
We were able to successfully address and stabilize his injury, thanks to Pietor's expert handling of my instructions. All that was left to do was wait for any changes in his condition.
His different-colored eyes bore into me, and I nodded as I snapped off the gloves.
“I think he’ll be okay. But we just have to wait. If he doesn’t show signs of improvement, we’re going to need to take him to a hospital. As much as I know that he wouldn’t appreciate that.”
“No shit.” He sighed, falling into the chair that had been pulled away from the table to give us space. “That shit going to help?”
I looked at the IV Lev’s men had managed to steal from somewhere.
“Yes, I believe so. It’s antibiotics and fluids. He’ll need both. But I’d really like to know which hospital your men stole this from so that we can donate to it or something. And how they all knew to get it.”
With a half-hearted chuckle, Pietor nodded. “Google is a thing, sem'ya. And I’ll find out.”
I cocked a brow. “Sem’ya?”
“Family.” He nodded once before standing up and heading to the door. “You’re ours now.”
My eyes burned as Pietor left, but I didn’t have the strength to put myself back together if I fell apart now. So, I just took a seat next to Lev, holding his hand.
“Come on, you stubborn fuck. Fight for me.”
After a while, and not being able to check on a monitor to see his vitals, I just laid my head down on the pseudo-bed that had been created from the dining room table. It didn’t take long for exhaustion to set in, and I fell asleep.
Movement beneath my hand startled me out of unconsciousness, and I sat up like a shot. Lev’s fingers had twitched, and I squeezed. After a second, a groan escaped as his eyelids flickered.
“Lev!” I smiled down at him, trying to stay level.
He doesn’t want to see you all blubbery like some idiot. Come on.
Turning his head toward me, Lev cracked his eyes open slowly, his grip returning the squeeze.
“That was very loud, little one.”
I chuckled, a rogue tear sliding down my cheek. “Sorry.”
He tried to adjust against the stack of pillows we’d put behind him but was quickly stopped as the pain in his neck clearly kicked up.
“How did we…?” His eyes flared wide. “Pavel! Ah, shit.”
Lev grunted, his hand going to his neck reflexively.
“We’re okay,” I soothed, rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. “He’s…dead. You killed him. And then Pietor and the guys arrived. They drove us home. This whole room was already set up. Did you have anything to do with that?”
Looking around, Lev took in his location, and he gave a slow nod.
“I did. I had a feeling we’d need it. Either for you or one of the men.”
I chuckled, but it was paired with a gentle frown. “What about you? Didn’t you think that you might need it, considering you were the one with the bright idea to go unarmed against my father?”