Page 26 of Shattered Darkness
“Well, fuck.” Cole adds.
“At least we won’t be doing it alone?” I question, somewhat uncertainly.
“Yeah, it would be nice to know who these other supposed people are so that maybe we could start planning now or something,” Cole replies.
“In time,” the Goddess replies, and then adds, “you’ll like them.”
“Well, at least there’s that. I should fucking hope so though, since we’re effectively going to war with a God and his followers,” I reply sassily, and Cole’s and Erin’s eyes widen at the way I’m talking to the Goddess.
I don’t expect her to reply since our conversations are rarely very long, so it surprises me when she does.
“Not a war like you’re thinking, daughter,” her voice echoes around the room, and the amusement is evident in her tone.
I decide to take advantage of the situation and of having her here and ask, “I don’t suppose you want to help us out and tell us which book the spell we need is in or even just tell us the spell?”
“Oh yeah, sure,” she replies, sounding far too casual for how you’d imagine a Goddess to be. She then adds, “It’s in the blue one by the . . .”
“Nyx!” a male voice in the background yells.
“Shit, sorry, Sage, I forgot I’m not supposed to tell you. Good luck,” she replies.
Chapter Nine
I chuckle as I feel her presence leave the room, “Whenever that happens, it's almost like we’re on the phone with her, and she’s not a mystical Goddess talking to us through worlds or dimensions or whatever the fuck it is she’s doing.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how casually she speaks to you,” Cole replies.
“Which God do you think was the one chastising her?” Erin asks curiously.
I shrug, “I have no idea, but I know that there’s more than one, and they pretty much all affectionately chastise her when she starts to tell me something that she shouldn’t.”
“Like the guys do with us,” Cole points out.
“Yeah, actually,” I reply with a smile and then add, “At least she did give us a clue about what book it was in a blue one.”
“Thank fuck for that, let's make a pile of all the blue books, and then we can go through them,” Erin suggests.
As we do that, moving any book that’s not blue off to the side, I ask, “Are we just going to breeze past the fact that we’re supposed to take down Kronos and his followers with the help of some unknown supes that we haven’t met yet?”
“Well, I mean, there’s not much that we can fucking do about it now, is there?” Cole asks and then adds, “Besides, we can talk more about it when we talk to the guys.”
“Yeah, okay, good point,” I reply. “Let’s just focus on finding this spell.”
We’re just about to crack the first book open, when the door opens, my swords are in my hands, and our men are staring at me cautiously.
“Well, hello there Beautiful,” Kai greets me, heat in his eyes.
I realise that not only are my swords drawn, but I’m also in a fighting stance. “Whoops. Sorry, we weren’t expecting visitors yet, and we’ve had a bit of a morning.”
“I’ll fucking say,” Erin agrees as the guys all stream through the door, and she goes to greet her men as Cole greets his, and mine wait for me to disarm myself.
Once everyone has said hello and has their food, Levi asks, “Wait, what the hell has happened that made you so on edge?”
Around mouthfuls of food, we all explain what’s happened and what the Goddess confirmed by the end of it they’re all staring at us with their mouths open.
“So, we’re responsible for taking down a God and protecting the Realms from him and his crazy followers?” Harry asks, summing it up pretty well.
Cole nods, “Yep, pretty much.”