Page 3 of Shattered Darkness
“Well, okay then, I’ll let the others know that they need to be doing the same in their classes as well,” Erin replies, as she goes quiet to talk to her Bonded through the Bond Lines, and Cole does the same.
“Guys?” I say through the bond line.
“Beautiful!” Kai exclaims, “I’m so happy to hear your voice. I’m bored.”
I giggle, just the sound of his voice making me relax more, “Hey Kai.”
“Is everything okay?” Levi asks.
“Yeah, well. The teacher hasn’t bothered to turn up yet, but at this point, I’m not surprised in the slightest.”
“Seriously?” Hunt replies, sounding outraged on my behalf.
“It’s been a few months now, and as far as I’m concerned, we’re actually better off if they aren’t here. They don’t teach us anything we need to know anyway, and I just get madder and madder the more shit they spout at us.”
“Actually, come to think of it, when was the last time that they actually taught us something to do with being Bonded Mates?” Maverick asks.
“Er, I don’t remember,” Kai replies, and then adds, “I’ll ask the others, please hold.”
I can’t help but laugh at his antics and the groans that the other guys give.
“I hadn’t thought about what they’ve been teaching us, more on the fact that they aren’t teaching you. That’s a massive oversight on our part,” Levi replies, clearly not happy that he didn’t notice.
“Yeah, I was thinking about that, and after what you said this morning, maybe we should do what we were doing before and practice with you ourselves?” Jax suggests. “It will at least take the edge off.”
“Yeah, I’m up for that,” I reply, feeling relieved already that there’s a plan in place. “I think Cole and Erin will most likely want to join us since they’ve also stopped being taught and need to practice.”
“Okay, you let them know, and we’ll try to figure out somewhere that we can meet to do it. We’re going to have to be discreet about it and possibly do it in the middle of the night,” Levi suggests.
I smile, not that they can see me and reply, “That could work, with Erin’s shielding ability, we should be able to get to wherever we need to go without being seen.”
“Good idea,” Jax replies, but before he can say anything else, he gets interrupted.
“Thanks for waiting,” Kai says in a posh voice like he’s some sort of receptionist. “So, the guys can’t remember either, and they’re all pretty mad about it.”
“I figured,” I reply.
“Is that what you wanted to talk to us about?” Jax asks, and I know that one of the others is probably filling Kai in on our plan to get some practice in.
“Oh no, actually it wasn’t, you guys distracted me,” I say with a smile before continuing, “We were talking about how different the teacher's behaviour apparently is now, compared to how it was before, and the Goddess told me to pay attention, I can only assume that it's because not everything is as it seems with them.”
There’s a beat of silence while they all think about it, and then Maverick agrees thoughtfully, “That would actually make sense, especially with what the others have said about how they were acting before.”
“Exactly, so watch them closely and see if you can see anything that’s odd about them,” I reply.
“You got it, Beautiful,” Kai replies.
“How soon do you want to get some practice in?” Levi asks.
“As soon as possible. My magic feels weird because it hasn’t been properly wielded for so long, and I’m worried about what’s going to happen if it decides that it wants out.”
I chew my lip as I wait for them to reply, what I don’t mention is that under my normal magic is something darker that’s churning and becoming restless too, and it is that part of myself that I’m truly worried about. I’m just hoping that by exercising my usual magic, it will help to satisfy the other.
“Sounds good to me. We’ll get the guys on board. Hopefully, we’ll have an answer for you by lunch. Are we eating in our room again?” Levi replies.
“Unless you guys want to go through eating with all the uneasy stares, then yes.”
“Good point. Those only seem to be reserved for us though Cole and the others don’t seem to have that problem.” Kai replies.