Page 69 of Shattered Darkness
We all start to look around the room, trying to find somewhere that could hold the five of them. Right in the back corner, a part of the wall suddenly pops open, and we all ready ourselves for whatever is about to come through. When, after five minutes or so, nothing does, I cautiously move forward, the others on my heels. Peering through the door cautiously, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that it'sits just an empty room.
“There’s nothing in here,” I state, “we can put the teachers in here though. It’s plenty big enough.”
“I guess the temple decided to help us out,” Jax adds.
“Or a God did,” Erin adds.
“Yeah, I think I’ll focus on the least terrifying of the two options and say that it’s the temple. I don’t know if I can handle another God or Goddess knowing about our existence,” Kysen jokes.
“Fair point, actually,” Jax replies. “Let’s start moving them in here before they start waking up, and we have to knock them out all over again.”
It takes us a while to shift all of the teachers from where they fell when we fought to in the weird cupboard, but thankfully, I was right, and it does fit them all in.
“Erm, guys, something has just occurred to me,” Erin states as she dusts her hands off and stands back up, looking over all of the teachers now securely put in the room.
“Yeah?” Jax asks, curiously, shutting the door behind the group of bound and knocked out teachers.
I really hope that no one finds them and raises the alarm. We’ve got to try and figure out what we’re going to do with them before the magic wears off. At least we have a couple of days to figure it out, hopefully.
“Well, Sage, Cole, and I spent ages trying to find that spell that would incapacitate them without actually hurting them, so why didn’t we use it? And also, why didn’t Kysen mention the bands when we were looking for something that would incapacitate them,” Erin asks.
“Well, the first thing I can, I answer, at least for myself,” I reply, “with everything that’s been going on, I forgot that we actually managed to find it.”
“Fair enough. I mean, I forgot too, and I was there,” Erin agrees with a smile.
“Your turn,” Jax says to Kysen as we start to look around the temple and make sure that there’s no sign that we’ve been there. Ghost and Knot use their sharp vision to help as well.
Kysen shrugs, “You said that you wanted something that wouldn’t hurt them; in order to get the bands on their wrists, you have to fight them, which means hurting them, and depending on how good they are, that more than likely ends in them getting severely hurt if not worse, we actually got lucky this time that they were relatively okay.”
“Yeah, okay. That’s a good point,” Jax concedes, “although it might have been nice to know that it was an option in case we got desperate and needed it.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Kysen agrees with a frown and then adds, “But, I wouldn’t have known where to get them before a few days ago when the Enforcers arrived, Harry’s Enforcer friend sent them with one of the Enforcers that arrived and said that a friend of his told him that we’d need them.”
“Oh, gift of premonition?” I ask curiously, wanting to meet Harry’s Enforcer friend now.
“Actually, I think it's more than that. Harry said he didn’t know much about this friend but that he was extremely powerful,” Kysen replies.
“I’d like to meet them,” I say, feeling a swirl of importance.
“We’re out,” Kai’s voice suddenly comes through the still open Bond Lines, and my heart, which has been steady this entire time, starts beating double time.
“We’ll meet you back at the room,” I reply, “I love you.”
“I love you too. What do you mean back at the room? Where are you? What happened?” he fires back rapidly, worry in his tone.
“I’ll fill you in when we get back. Everything is fine, don’t worry,” I reply.
“Hurry back, both of you and be careful,” Levi orders.
I’m already running, and judging from the fact that the others are running with me, I know that Jett and Asher have been in contact too. I feel Erin’s shield rapidly cover us all but none of us slow down as we race into the castle. I’m aware that if we were visible and the Enforcers saw us, then we’d look highly suspicious, and I’m once again incredibly grateful for Erin and her gift. It’s helped us out more times than we can count.
Fortunately for us, it’s late enough that there isn’t anyone else around, which means we don’t have to worry about accidentally running into someone and freaking them out or making them suspicious. We may be invisible, but that doesn’t mean that we can walk through things. We can still affect the world around us.
As soon as we get through our door, I look around the room expectantly, my shoulders slumping when I don’t see Kai, Jett, or Asher anywhere.
“They aren’t here yet,” Maverick tells me as he looks over me with concern, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s just a scratch,” I reply, having completely forgotten about the wound on my face. It really isn’t that big of a deal.