Page 117 of Until I Own You
Whatever this is, it has three wide points.
My jaw drops when I realize what it is.
It’s a toy…for my ass.
Coud this be the last part of my training? Is he trying to tell me something or just start the ball rolling for when we are back at the Underground?
I stare at the toy and sit on the edge of the bed.
Well, it’s way smaller than Seth’s dick. But I never had anything up there. Can I even handle it?
Is he expecting me to wear this for dinner? While we are with Jack and Abigail?
What if I can’t? I will fail him.
And oh, my god. What if I can? Will they be able to tell?
It will probably be written all over my face. I can’t do this!
But I have to.
This is Seth.
I look at it again trying to understand it better and maybe looking to see if I’m wrong. Because I have to be, right?
There are two buttons on the toy. One makes a small light flicker. The other makes it vibrate. Am I just supposed to let it vibrate in me all night?
I grab the note once more, read it over.
I missed a line.
Remember. I’m in control.
I look between the note and the toy as my throat threatens to close around the giant knot forming there.
This cannot mean what I think it means, can it?
Sitting is not the most comfortable thing with the toy in my ass. Not to mention I’m on edge because we’ve already made it through the first two courses of dinner, and Seth hasn’t done anything. Not one vibration. Not one pulse.
I’m grateful he hasn’t because I’m not sure I’d be able to hide what is happening. But I know it is coming, and I have no idea what to expect.
It is hard enough having to wear it. And it was awkward having to put it in myself, the stretch was difficult at first.
Not that it is easy now. It isn’t. It is a foreign object stuck where nothing should ever be stuck.
It’s shameful, it’s torturous, and weirdly enough, it is confusing, because wires are being crossed inside me making me feel like this is sort of pleasurable to.
I have no idea what to do or how to even deal with how I’m feeling.
Seth and I are across from one another at the long table. Abigail and Jack face each other.
I know he’s been purposeful about keeping our distance. I know he wants to watch. Any other time or if we were alone, I’d love to give him a show, but here? Now? With our friends watching? I can’t.
“When did you get that necklace, Bridget?” Abigail asks after we’re served dish number three.
A salad which is three leaves of some overly expensive green leaf topped with a delicious smelling sauce and some multi-colored tomatoes and fresh mozzarella that apparently arrived from Italy today.
I place my fingers against it. “You like it?”