Page 122 of Until I Own You
I turn in his arms, tuck my hands against his chest and dare to look in his eyes.
How normal a moment like this feels. Like we’re two people getting ready before a party. A couple. And I’m supposed to smooth out the wrinkles of his army green linen shirt. Give him a final smile to remind him that no matter what happens tonight, I’ll be here when it comes to an end.
“Love it, Seth.”
The corners of his eyes are crimped with an emotion I can’t identify. Like there’s something he’d like to say.
Though it’s a risk, I lean in and press a kiss to his cheek. I whisper, “Thank you, Sir,” with as much meaning as I can. I want him to hear all the things I’m thinking with just that kiss.
That my training has meant the world to me. That I feel complete by knowing what kind of sub I am now. That I’m so, so happy he is my Dom.
“Come.” He steps back from me. “Downstairs. Play your part.”
He walks out of the room first. And before I follow, I clutch the collar to my throat.
We chose each other.
What happens next, though, has yet to be decided or discussed.
And though I do everything in my power to understand his mind, stoic Seth is going to need to give me something to work with.
The sun set a while ago. Jack, Abigail, and I are out on the beach surrounding a dying fire.
Bridget retired an hour ago. She was spent.
Jack and Abigail think it’s because of her migraine, but I know the truth.
I brought her pleasure she’d never dreamed of. I’m smug over that, I’ll admit it.
“I could sleep out here.” Abigail leans back in her chair, pulling her sweater tight around her.
“You’d freeze to death,” Jack says.
She scoffs. “It’s not the desert. I just need a few blankets. That’s all.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Okay, here we go.”
He goes to Abigail and hauls her out of the chair and over his shoulder, not paying any mind to her playful kicking and screaming.
“Let me go, let me go!”
“Nope, you’re going up to bed. Now. None of this sleepin’ on the beach talk.”
“I am one with naturrrrreee.” Abigail’s red hair swings as she hangs over her brother’s shoulder.
Jack chuckles. “You good out here, Seth?”
“Yeah. I’m good.”
“Say goodnight.” Jack heaves Abigail further onto his shoulder.
Abigail lifts her head. Eyes mere slits. “Goodnight.”
I watch as Jack carries her down the boardwalk and into the house.