Page 138 of Until I Own You
In the club lighting, Sonia’s brown eyes illuminate like the flames of candles. Threatening to burn me.
“I’m just feeling a little low tonight. I shouldn’t have come out.” But when Sonia asked, I immediately agreed. I haven’t seen her one on one since the honeymoon. She’s been wrapped up with Edwin, and I’ve been wrapped with Seth, and other than group activities, our paths don’t seem to cross, so…
“Well, I’m glad you’re here,” Sonia says. “And if you want to talk about what’s going through your mind, you should talk to me.”
I smile. “Thanks, So.”
“Okay, tequila!” Abigail cries out, four shots between her fingers. Laney flanks her with a glass of limes and a saltshaker.
Sonia holds up a hand. “None for me, thanks.”
Everyone goes silent. We stare at her.
“You all…good?” Sonia asks.
“Holy shit,” Laney says. “You’re–are you–”
Sonia doesn’t say anything, just smiles.
“Oh, my god, are you serious?” I ask. “You’re pregnant?”
Sonia’s small smile grows.
Abigail squeals and grabs Sonia’s arm. “Stop it! You’re lying!”
Sonia flushes, looking away. “I mean, it’s still early, but–”
Laney, Abigail, and I all titter over Sonia’s news, almost loud enough to break through the din of the club sounds.
“When did you find out?” I ask.
“Just yesterday. I thought I should keep it a secret given how early, but…” She smiles at all of us, her eyes glimmering with tears. “You’re all family, so…”
A twinge in my chest.
I’m not technically Sonia’s family. Abigail is her stepdaughter. And Laney is engaged to her stepson. I’m an extra, squeaky wheel. Knowing that Sonia doesn’t see me that way, though, means the world.
However, a baby…that’s going to take my friend further away from me than a marriage.
I think of my unanswered text I sent to Seth.
I don’t want to be alone. On an Island of Bridget with just my designs to keep me company. Sure, I have my dad. I have my friends. But I’m not anyone’s first choice. Not like I was his before I screwed things up. But that’s how it has to be, right?
“I’m so happy for you.” I wrap my arms around her, trying to make myself push past the threat of disappointment at the back of my throat.
Sonia hugs me back, so tight and loving. She’s going to be a good mom. And she deserves it.
Abigail grins. “I’ve never been so happy over the thought of my father having…” Her whole body shudders. “Okay, never mind, I don’t want to think about it.”
We all laugh. It’s exciting. The first baby in the friend group.
We’re getting older. And that’s exciting.
Except Laney’s getting married and Sonia’s having a baby and I’m…
I lost my virginity and broke Seth’s heart. Now he won’t even talk to me. How pathetic is that?
Abigail lifts her head and shakes out her hair, resetting. “Now, who’s having Sonia’s shot, then?”