Page 2 of Until I Own You
“Having fun?” Sonia throws a look toward the scene taking place beyond the glass.
“You scared me.” I smile.
She laughs and cozies in next to me on the luxurious chesterfield couch. “What, you thought I was your dad?”
I flush. “Dumb, I know. I’m an adult, yet I’m afraid my father catches me down here.” I sigh. “And I know my dad wouldn’t be caught dead down here. He’s as vanilla as can be.” Dad may be the CFO of the Lyons Club, but the few times he had to come down here, he got so red in the face and so uncomfortable that it was more than clear this is not his thing at all, and he is more than happy to let someone else handle things here in the Underground.
Too bad this is very much my thing.
And I hope he never finds out because the last thing I want is to disappoint him.
But I can’t stop being me. I can’t not come here, because I know this is the true me that still needs to come out. The me that fights tooth and nail to make herself known while I try to hide this side from the world.Sonia giggles, rolling her eyes. “Then why are you freaked out?”
“I’m not freaked out.” I huff.
“You were sitting like a meerkat! Like –” Sonia jerks her whole body upward and darts her head around.
I have to admit she does a great meerkat impression.
“Listen! Don’t make fun of me!” I try my best to disguise my smile. “You just…never know.”
Even with the Underground rules in place—privacy contracts that ensure that what happens in the Underground stays in the Underground—the fact that my dad is so well known by everyone here, since he is the CFO, makes this whole thing even more risky.
Sonia narrows her eyes at me. “You’re an adult. You have needs, Bridget.”
I try to laugh. “Yeah, of the kink variety…”
“I think you should just go for it, you know?”
My eyes widen. “Go for what? What are you talking about?” My eyes roam the place, making sure whatever comes out of her mouth stays between the two of us alone.
“You should schedule a scene for yourself,” Sonia says. “You know. Instead of just sitting and watching everyone else enjoy themselves.”
The Dom twists the sub’s bare nipples as he spanks her clit once. Her whole body grows stiff before she collapses.
“I mean, assuming you’re interested in something like that.” She tilts her head to the scene that is now wrapping up.
I am interested. Very. I’ve been watching scenes since I was of age to enter the Underground. In secret, of course. Sparingly at first.
In the past few years, though, I’ve started coming down here a couple of times a week just to watch.
To dream, to yearn, to fantasize about something I crave but don’t think I’ll ever be brave enough to actually go for.
“I’m alright with just watching.” Not quite a lie, but not the truth either.
“You know the rules here, so word getting around would not be a problem. Besides, I could try and schedule you under an alias if you wanted, and it would only be between the two of us. And if you are worried about your scene partner, we have some really good masks that would guarantee you anonymity.” It’s Sonia’s job to know this stuff, and I know she’s participated in a few scenes down here herself with her fiancé, Edwin, owner of the Lyons Club.
If only she knew how ready I am to jump off the cliff of watching into doing. How eager. But I can’t.
This lifestyle is about trust, and though I have watched plenty of Doms here, and they perform amazingly, I couldn’t put myself in the hands of anyone. I need someone I trust one hundred percent. And I haven’t come across anyone like that yet.
I mean, I have, but that would be so forbidden and so off-limits that it is not even worth considering.
Thanks, Sonia. I really appreciate the offer.”
“So, can I book you in?”
I look at Sonia and shake my head. “I’m good. But I’ll let you know if things change.”