Page 22 of Until I Own You
“We can’t,” Seth says, jaw set.
I know I’m the one that put the embargo on our communication, but I can’t help being hurt by his response.
Cara’s forehead puckers with so many wrinkles I’d swear she was a pug in a past life. “W-why?”
My father steps forward from his place behind the action, waiting with Sonia to do the final part of the walkthrough. He gets Cara’s attention with a delicate touch to her shoulder. “Bridget and Seth are siblings.”
I feel sick with myself.
“Step siblings, but still,” Dad adds with a forced chuckle. “I think everyone’s just responding to the weirdness of that? Maybe?” His eyes skitter to the group for approval.
Nate shakes out his beachy blond hair. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Sometimes, I’m surprised these two didn’t grow up together the way they go at it.”
“Cats and dogs,” Mason adds.
“Guys…” Laney admonishes in a soft tone that always gets them both in line. To have that kind of power…I want to be her.
Sonia steps forward as well. “Bridget, would you be more comfortable walking with someone else?”
Leave it to Sonia to put the power back in my hands. I wish I could claim it myself, but I’ve never felt powerful enough for that. I don’t feel comfortable with having control in situations like this. Which is just another reason I crave my own Dom. I want someone to save me from embarrassing myself. From the agony that is to be required to speak up for myself when I flounder with what to do.
But Seth’s already made it clear he won’t walk with me. No need to add insult to injury.
I hope it’s not obvious from my expression how strange this all is, so I just smile. “Yes, it’s just a little weird. Could we figure out something else?”
Cara pages through her clipboard. What could she possibly have to look at on the clipboard when it comes to making an order of a bridal party walking down the aisle?! “Oh, um, of course, I’m so sorry. I thought I had gone through all the relationships and details and–”
I want to crawl inside a hole and die. “It’s alright.” Last thing I want to do is make someone as uncomfortable as I am with the situation.
“How about, Dory, you walk with Bridget and Abigail walks with Seth and then I think–then I think–”
“That will be fine, love.” Dory takes a step away from Abigail in my direction. His smile is so easy, like cream being added to coffee. “Alright with you, Bridget?”
“Y-yes.” I don’t mean to stutter. It just happens.
And I know Seth notices. I see it out of the corner of my eye. His whole posture tenses.
“And Seth and Abigail, is that–”
Abigail rolls her eyes, but wears an effervescent smile. “What do you think, Sethy? Can you put up with me for a bit?”
Seth closes his eyes. “Fine.”
“Better than me,” I say under my breath as Dory navigates into position beside me.
“Say something, dear?” the tall Englishman asks.
I glance up at him.
His hair is a wonderful mess of curls that seem to fall in perfect choreography over his forehead. And that smile is contagious.
I find myself smiling with ease, no force about it. “Nothing. It’s nice to finally meet you.” I hold out my hand.
Dory takes my hand in his. He’s taller than Seth by several inches, would be a gangly beanpole if not for the clear density of his muscles beneath his tailored khaki suit.
He doesn’t shake my hand. Just squeezes it, thumb sliding over my skin. “Pleasure’s all mine.” He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it with gentleness before his eyes rise to meet mine. “Bridget.”
I know Dory knows what he’s doing, but I can’t help but swoon. My name in his British accent is like heaven.