Page 69 of Until I Own You
The doorbell rings again, and it’s Solomon who goes to the door to collect the Chinese food from the hapless delivery person who has been waiting for the Vance-Carlton family to get their shit together and come to the door already.
“Sorry about the wait,” my mom says, shuffling up to join Solomon in the doorway. “Tip him really well, Sol.”
With their backs turn, Bridget and I have a moment to ourselves.
My mouth feels hot and my hands itchy. I want to grab her and pull her into my arms, kiss her with all my might. However, this is a moment where restraint is a must, especially since I’m supposed to be in control. Not to mention the whole parent and stepparent thing right in front of us.
I settle for a subtle glance at the collar of her shirt which dips down just enough to give a peek at the swells of her breasts. I lick my lower lip.
“Can I take this and open it for you?” Bridget gestures toward the bottle of wine in my hand.
She’s so eager to please. To serve. “Sure. Pour yourself a glass too.”
It is hard to explain, but Bridget’s body exudes submission as she takes the bottle from me, clutches it to her chest, and almost bows her head before rushing off.
She has been waiting for me to return to her. I can tell now I’ve been away too long. She needs my affection, my attention. She wants to do a good job, of course, but everything she knows other than what I taught her a week ago is guesswork.
I grin. Training her is going to be so fun.
Bridget disappears into the kitchen in the back, and we all follow shortly after, bags of Chinese in tow.
Dinner is enjoyable for once. Outward tensions are low, but inside they are set to snap.
Bridget avoids eye contact with me unless I call her attention toward me. Her jerking look reminds me of how things used to be. How scared she used to be of me.
I’m worried she’s still scared, but only for a moment. Because when she rises to take her plate to the sink, she comes around and takes all the dirty dishes, including mine.
She hesitates before grabbing it. “Are you done, Seth? Or would you like more?”
“I’m done. Thank you, Bridget.”
I swear her cheeks flush at that.
Such a good fucking sub.
Once dinner is cleared, Solomon claps. “Okay. Puzzle time!”
“You are not going to work on that puzzle before dinner is cleaned up,” Mom snaps in a playful tone.
“I’ll clean up,” Bridget says, retrieving the last of the dishes. “You go enjoy.”
I stare at her for a moment as she places the dishes in a stack at the side of the sink, then turns on the hot water and squirts some soap into the basin.
“Bridget, no, we’ll help,” Mom says and starts to get up to join Bridget at the sink.
I seize my moment. “I’ll help.”
My mom looks at me like I’m mad. “You’ll help?”
“Yeah, is that so shocking?”
“Well, I just–” Mom cuts herself off with a nervous laugh, then glances at Solomon. “Leaving you two alone makes me worry only one will come out alive.”
Solomon scoffs. “They’re adults, Mimi.”
“I know, but they fight like cats and dogs,” she says under her breath, but not at all quiet enough for Bridget and me not to hear.
I touch my mom’s shoulder. “We’ll be good.”