Page 101 of Queen Of Clubs
“I know, my darling,” he says in a soft voice. “I told him just as much. That Gianna was acting a little too out of sorts and that maybe it was a jealousy thing on Gianna’s part.”
Maybe? Nah, that girl would have pissed on these guys if she could.
“It’s not a maybe. You do know that she’s in love with you three, right?”
“What?” Griffin asks. “I knew she had the hots for us. But in love?”
“You don’t see the way she looks at you when no one's paying attention. She sees me as a threat.”
“Well, tough fucking luck for her because she never had a chance to be with us, and she knew it. We made it very clear from the start, our goal was to find you.”
“And you think that would have stopped her?” I ask, raising a brow. “Fuck. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the reason why you never found me.”
The whole room goes quiet as they all look at each other.
“You seriously haven’t considered that?” I gape at him. “You mean when you looked into people who could have been involved, she wasn’t one of them?”
They all give me a guilty look, and I’m up off Everett’s lap in less than a second. “God, you guys are fucking stupid.”
“That's mean,” Griffin mumbles with a pout.
“Calvin,” Zane says his brother's name in a warning tone.
“I’ll look into it.” He nods.
I sigh, shaking my head. God, they’re so sexy but sometimes I think they share a single brain cell between all three of them. She was my first suspect.
“What else?” Everett asks.
“Dad is putting Gianna on social media management for now.”
“Oh.” I laugh. “Because that's even fucking better. I might not know much about how this type of shit goes, but putting her in charge of their online image? That's a shitshow waiting to happen.”
“I know,” Calvin sighs. “But it’s the best I can do for now. Dad really fucking likes Gianna for some reason. Might have to do with the fact he’s best friends with her parents and doesn't want to piss off his business partners. What matters is she’s not going to be in charge of anything on this tour anymore.”
“But she’s still going to be around?” Everett asks.
“Only at the concerts to take photos. My father doesn’t see a big enough reason to fire her. In his eyes, Gianna made a mistake in not hiring enough security, and being rude to someone who isn’t in the band doesn’t warrant being let go.”
“Yes, it fucking does if it’s our omega. We should have fired her the first fucking day,” Zane growls.
“I already said that.” Everett glares at his boyfriend.
“That's not all.” Calvin turns to look at me. “You're kind of all over the news.”
“What?” My eyes widen.
He nods and shows me his iPad. There is a video of me rushing off stage and running over to help the woman.
“It’s nothing bad so far. They all see you as a hero. But they also want to know who you are. And what you mean to the band.”
“Is that good? Or bad?”
“It’s good,” he assures. “When we get to Paris, we have a press conference set up to address the incident and who Jade is to you guys. That is something you need to discuss between all of you.”
I look at the guys as they all stare back at me. What do they mean to me? I love them, they love me. I know in my heart there's no way I can leave them behind and move on with my life, why would I even want to? I finally have them back. If I lost them again, I don’t think I’d recover.
“Are you okay with the world knowing I’m your omega? I don’t think the fans who are like, in love with you are going to take too well to it.”