Page 103 of Queen Of Clubs
We all understand why she was so upset, we were too. What Gianna did was wrong. For her to be so careless with the safety of the fans makes me sick, especially knowing what happened to that woman and her child.
We no longer trust Gianna. Someone who's been by our side for years. Someone I thought of as a friend turned out not to be a nice person at all.
Knowing she’s still going to be on this tour doesn’t sit right with me or the others, but Calvin is the one in charge now, and he knows what he’s doing. So far, he’s already shown just as much.
“Griffin,” Jade groans. “I’m getting dizzy.”
“Almost there,” I tell her as we weave through the roadies and stagehands toward where our tour bus is parked.
I nod at each security guard as we pass them, feeling a lot better about the safety in this place. Calvin hired a few more people to tag along with us, but he also called ahead and had a ton of security lined up for every show on the rest of the tour.
As soon as we step out into the cool air, Jade shivers. People spot us, and I don’t miss the flashing of cameras. Fucking hell. I knew this was coming, and honestly, I’m surprised that the news hadn’t broken before this.
But we’re not ready to share Jade with the world. We just got her back, we want to keep her to ourselves in our own little bubble as long as we can.
“Hey.” I get one of the guard's attention. “Make sure the area around the tour bus is cleared,” I tell him, not wanting anyone near us to be able to get photos or videos. Because I have no doubt that this bus is going to be rocking.
Quickly, I head toward the tour bus. Once I get there, I throw the door open, lock it, and rush into the bedroom.
“Griffin!” she giggles as I toss her onto the bed. “Are you crazy?”
“Maybe. But mostly for you.” I wink before pulling my shirt off. I’m naked in record time, and as I stand there before her, cock stiff as stone and pointing straight at her, the look of pure hunger in her eyes is almost enough to send me into a rut.
“Too long, Jelly Bean. I’ve waited too long to have you. Watching you with Rett and Zane is pure fucking torture. I need to have you, baby. Please, let me have you right here, right now?”
If she said no, I’d back off. I’d respect her wishes, but God, I pray so damn hard she doesn’t deny me.
She licks her bottom lip before raking her top teeth over it. “Griffin,” she purrs my name in a sultry tone.
“Yes?” I rasp, wrapping my hand around my cock. I give it a few strokes, needing to take the edge off.
Her eyes drop to my dick, and the room fills with her intoxicating peaches and cream scent.
We really need to tell her what she is to us. I hate keeping this from her, but she still hasn’t accepted Calvin as her scent match—not officially, because she’s still taking the spray.
I know Zane wants to wait until the right moment. But at this point, when will that be? There's always going to be something that gets in the way. We don’t live easy-going lifestyles.
I groan, gripping my length harder. “I want you,” she finally whines, getting to her knees. I watch, eyes glued to her tempting body, as she pulls her shirt off. Licking my lips, I thrust forward in my hand as she takes her bra off.
She’s going slow, too fucking slow. I need to be inside her. I’m so damn worked up and her smell really will send me into a fucking rut at this point. “Fuck it,” I growl and lunge forward.
Jade yelps as I grab her by the back of her thighs and pull upward, knocking her onto her back. She gasps as I yank her legs down, grab the hem of her jeans, and tug them and her panties off her body in one hard, swift pull.
My eyes flick up to find her watching me with pure lust and desire. She grins and nods, letting me know it’s okay to do whatever I want at this point. Good, because I fucking need to taste her.
Kneeling on the bed, I widen her legs and curse. Her pussy is weeping with slick. There's so much it’s already soaking the bed.
“Sorry,” she whispers, her cheeks heating with embarrassment.
“For what?” I ask, surprised.
“I know there's a lot.” She tries to cover her face, but I use one hand to pull hers away.
“And it’s the hottest fucking thing ever. Jade, do you know how much we love how affected you are by us? Knowing just how wet we make you? Never, ever, be embarrassed about your slick.” I give her a mischievous grin. “Just means more for us.”
I don’t give her the chance to say anything else before I press her knees to her ears and dive down to have a taste of that sweet peaches and cream.
As soon as her slick hits my tongue, I lose it. With a savage growl, I feast on her pussy, lapping up as much slick as I can. It’s so fucking good, too damn good. I’ll never get enough.