Page 110 of Queen Of Clubs
“I wouldn’t be bitching if he was taking care of Jade right!”
“I was,” Calvin snarls. “It’s a busy place, Zane. We were all with her. What more do you want, to shout at everyone to keep ten feet away at all times?”
“I would,” he challenges his brother.
“Fuck off,” Calvin growls.
My head is pounding, and these two fighting over me has ruined the last half of this night. I’m done.
We get back to the room, and they are still going at it. When we step inside, I turn to Calvin. “Give me your room key,” I demand.
He pauses, looking at me confused. “What, why?”
“Give it to me.” I’m out of patience now.
He digs into his pocket and pulls it out, placing it in my open palm.
“Good. Now, here's what's going to happen. I’m so fucking over the two of you, when it comes to me. I’m with all four of you. We are a pack, we are a damn family, but the two of you? You're actually a blood family, and you act like each other's worst enemies. That can’t continue. You don’t have to be best friends, but you need to get along. So, you two are going to have the heart to heart you so desperately need. You’re going to stay in this hotel room until you’ve talked. We are going to stay in Calvin’s room.” I point to Griffin and Everett. “And you two are not allowed out of this room until you’re on good terms.”
“And what if we don’t get there?” Zane deadpans.
“No sex,” I tell him. “Both of you. No sex until you are. So I’d suggest you get your shit together.” I give Zane a smirk. “And that means no sex with the guys either.”
He gapes at me like I just told him he’s getting the electric chair.
“Oh, you’re evil,” Griffin chuckles. “I like it!”
“Fuck me,” Zane groans.
“Nope, sorry, my omega said I’m not allowed too. Sorry.” Griffin gives him a mock pitying look.
Zane just flips him off.
“Bye!” I shout, turning around and leaving with Everett and Griffin.
“Are you being serious?” Everett asks as we head toward Calvin’s room.
“As a heart attack.”
“Jade, what did I ask you before?” Griffin asks as we enter Calvin’s suite.
I grin up at him and wrap my arms around his neck, letting him wrap his around my waist and pull me towards him. “You asked if I’d sleep with you tonight.” His eyes widen.
And then he grins. “And you said yes!” he cheers excitedly.
“Just because those two aren’t getting any, doesn’t mean we can’t.” I bite my lower lip.
Griffin looks over at Everett. “I’m hungry for a Jade sandwich.”
“Me too,” Everett growls.
Guess this night isn’t going to end badly. Not at all.
Chapter 30
“This is fucking bullshit,” Zane grumbles as he throws himself down onto the couch. “She can’t be for real, can she?”