Page 131 of Queen Of Clubs
“Kids. Do you want them?”
I look over with a surprised look, and then my cheeks flush. “My answer depends on how all of you feel about kids.”
He chuckles but humors me. “I want kids. Love the little ankle biters. Would love them more if they were ours. Doesn’t matter to me how many, as long as they come from you and one of us, that's all that matters to me.” He shrugs, and my heart warms.
“Yeah, same,” Griffin agrees, massaging my scalp. My eyes flutter closed as the pleasure of his nails makes me shiver. “Love kids. Would love to have a few.”
Both Calvin and Everett agree, and fuck, if that didn’t make me happy. I was worried with the type of life they lived that they would think kids would just get in the way.
“Now, answer the question, Trouble,” Zane playfully scolds.
“Well...” I bite my lip. “I love kids. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, you guys know that.”
“Oh, don’t we ever.” Everett chuckles. “Even at ten you were talking about all the kids you were going to have and would go over to the neighbors and practically kidnap their little ones.”
“Did not,” I snort, poking him in the chest with my toe. “But I did love hanging out with the little ones. They were so sweet and fun.”
I used to babysit for a few years back when I was a pre-teen, but once the guys hit sixteen and were able to start working, Karen and Charles didn’t allow it anymore because they needed someone to do the house chores when the guys were at work.
“But to answer your question. Yes, I want kids.”
“When?” Calvin asks, seeming a little too eager with the question.
“Ahh... I don’t know. Whenever you guys are ready for them, I guess. I don’t care when. Could be tomorrow, could be a few years from now. As long as it’s what we all want, I don’t mind.”
“Good to know.” Calvin nods his head, sharing a look with his brother. What are these two up to?
They’ve been a lot closer since I made them have that heart-to-heart. I don’t know all the details, and that's fine, but I do now know that their dad is a sack of shit. Sadly, that doesn’t surprise me.
“How many?” Zane asks.
“I mean, I’d love to have one with each of you,” I admit. “If that's not too many?”
“Four kids? Nah, that's a perfect number,” Griffin says, brushing his fingers down my face, making me sigh and lean into his touch.
We sit and talk about more random things before I start to drift off to sleep, surrounded by all these mouth-watering smells that, in a way, make me feel safe and happy.
Chapter 36
Italy was incredible. After we were done with all of our deep dark confessions, we did some sightseeing, took a ton of photos and had an amazing time.
Only we weren’t the only ones who were taking photos. It seems like now that the world knows about me and the guys, there's always eyes on us. New photos of us are always popping up all over the internet.
I’m not used to having so many eyes on me. I know this is a part of their lives and they’re used to it, but to me this is new and kind of stressful. Although I’ll learn to deal if it means being with the guys.
The crap going around online mostly paints me in a not-so-nice light, and I just hope it doesn’t start affecting the guys. It’s just petty shit like suspecting that I’m after them for their money or how the super fans still hate me for simply existing.
We made it to Greece a few days ago and knowing that the guys don’t have a concert until the end of next week has allowed us to relax a lot more. We’re staying at a resort, this time with a private beach. Being able to just go outside and tan in the sun has been amazing.
Every time I look out at the water, I can’t help but smile. It’s so damn pretty here, and I can't believe this is really happening.
However, the guys have to work today. Only for a few hours, but the label has set them up with a photo shoot they really didn’t want to turn down.
“Rolling Stone.” I grin at the camera crew and their equipment along the beach. “This is amazing!”
“Right.” Everett chuckles, wrapping his arm around me. “We’ve had articles about us in a few issues before, but we’ve never been on the cover.”