Page 145 of Queen Of Clubs
“Far fucking from it. How about you?” I reply, shooting him a glare.
“I just want to scream,” Griffin growls. “Like who the fuck does this shit?”
“Pathetic losers with no life and too much time on their hands,” I mutter.
“Or heartless people who only care about money,” Everett adds.
When we get into the house, I find Calvin standing by the window, the screen door open, allowing a cool breeze to flow into the villa.
“Where’s our girl?” I ask him when he finishes up the call he’s on. I don’t see her, but when I’m about to head back toward the room, Calvin speaks.
“She’s not back there.”
“Then where the fuck is she?” I demand. “I’m not in the fucking mood, Cal. I just want my omega, okay.”
His face falls, and he gives me this pitying look that puts me on guard. “She’s not here.”
“What do you mean she’s not here?” Griffin demands. “Where the fuck is she?!”
He lets out a heavy sigh as he runs a hand through his hair. “She knows about everything. She overheard us talking, and saw that Chelsea-girl's bullshit news channel.”
“Fuck,” I growl, worry coursing through me. “She shouldn’t have seen that, she shouldn’t even know about it. It’s not her burden to deal with.”
“But it is,” Calvin argues. “We said no more secrets, no more lies. She deserved to know all about this. It’s her body out there for the world to see. Do you really think you could have kept something this big from her?”
“She doesn’t have a fucking phone, and we could have disabled her internet!”
“Be real for a moment,” he scoffs. “She’s not a child. She’s a grown woman. We don’t get to make her choices for her.”
“Where is she, Calvin?” Everett asks in a low, dangerous tone, bringing back the fact that Jade isn’t here.
“Calvin,” I snarl. “So help me God, you better tell me where my fucking omega is!” I roar.
“She’s on her way back to the US.”
Everything goes quiet, my body locks up and my brain goes blank.
“There are death threats all over the internet. People knew where she was, they said they were going to find her and get rid of the problem. It wasn’t safe for her to be here anymore. I sent her back to High Roller.”
“You. Did. What?” The question comes out almost dead like.
“She was scared. She didn’t want to go, though. I made her. This is about what's best for Jade, Zane. Not you.”
“We didn’t even get to say goodbye,” Everett says in an utterly crushed tone.
“You wouldn’t have let her go. And she needed to. It was the safest option. We have shit to deal with here before we can go back.”
“That wasn’t your choice to make!” Griffin sneers. “Damn it!” he shouts, spinning around to punch the wall.
“Fuck you!” I roar, and then I snap. She’s gone. She’s not in this room, in this town, or in this fucking country anymore. He sent my omega away. She’s the only thing that can tame the darkness within me.
I’m so enraged, murderous to the point that I black out. When I come to, my chest is heaving, my eyes are wild, and the whole villa is trashed. The TV is broken, glass all over the place, couches and chairs tipped upside down, and there's even blood dripping from my hands onto the stone floors.
“Zane!” Calvin roars. “Enough!”
I’ve never had an alpha bark used on me before, and I fucking hate how powerful his is. It’s strong, strong enough that it makes me freeze. Only long enough for my mind to snap back into place, though.