Page 20 of Queen Of Clubs
“Hey there.” I look over to see a pretty little blonde omega dressed in a sexy red dress. “Can I get you a drink?”
“Yeah.” I give her a friendly smile. “That would be nice. A rum and coke, please.”
“Coming right up.” She looks to be a little nervous, not quite confident in her job. I’m going to assume she’s new around here.
I continue to watch the girl on the stage. My mind starts to drift, imagining someone else up there. The black hair turns to a bright copper, her brown eyes turning to an emerald green.
“Jade...” I find myself whispering. But when I blink, she’s gone, the pretty black-haired omega still on stage dancing.
“Here you go.” The pretty blonde says, coming back with my drink.
“Thanks.” I hand her a hundred.
She takes it eagerly, making me chuckle. I wonder what their stories are. This place is high-end, only the best, but everyone has a past. What made them choose this life?
I end up ordering two more drinks before I start to feel a little fuzzy, a nice buzz thrumming through me. The downside of hardly ever drinking is I’m a fucking lightweight.
It doesn’t take me long before I need to piss. Getting to my feet, I stumble a little before heading off to find a bathroom.
Afterward, I’m going to search for the others. I’m already done with this place. It’s nice enough, but not my scene. I’d rather be back at the hotel, lost in sweaty limbs and hungry mouths.
“Hey, big boy,” Leisha says. “You good?”
I give her a smile. “I’m more than good.” I chuckle. “You wouldn’t mind pointing me toward the bathroom, would you?”
She smirks. “We have some upstairs.” She points behind her. “But if you want to avoid heading all the way upstairs, we have some across the club.”
“Too far,” I groan, and she gives me a soft chuckle.
“Good luck.”
I make my way toward the stairs in the direction she pointed. I’m almost to the bottom of the step when I stumble to a stop. My eyes widen, and my heart starts hammering in my chest as a wave of nausea punches me in the gut. I feel like all the air in the room gets sucked out.
A woman with bright copper hair stands at the top of the stairs, adjusting her black form-fitting dress. My eyes slowly travel up her body and stop at her face. Those eyes. I’d know those eyes anywhere.
There’s no fucking way. I must be a lot drunker than I thought. I quickly rub at my eyes, but when I look again, the image hasn’t changed. There she is.
“Jade?” I whisper in utter disbelief, like I’m seeing a ghost from my past. Because I fucking am.
An omega with brown hair, dressed in a similar black dress as Jade’s, comes over to her. Jade gives her a smile that stops my heart, and when she tips her head back to laugh, I fucking flatline. And maybe cum in my pants a little.
She nods to the woman and starts to walk toward me. I break out into a nervous sweat, my body paralyzed on the spot. She doesn’t notice me as she walks past. I open my mouth, trying to will her name to come out of me, but nothing happens.
My nose twitches, getting a whiff of her scent. Sex. She smells like fucking sex. Was she just upstairs fucking someone?
A murderous rage starts to grow inside me, but it comes to a screeching halt when I get a hit of something else. Peaches and cream.
Everything around me slows to an almost dead stop as I’m hit with a million emotions. It’s like my whole body’s DNA shifts. The overwhelming need to go over there and kill anyone who looks at her, along with how my mouth waters and my cock stiffens, lets me know that my whole life just changed.
Everything snaps into place again, making me stagger to the side like I’ve been punched in the face.
Holy fuck. Holy-mother-fucking-fuck. I need to find the guys.
Looking around desperately, I try to find Jade, but I don’t see her in the sea of people. But my eyes easily find Zane over at the bar. I’m not drunk anymore, that shock of a lifetime sobered me up real fast.
“Zane!” I practically shout, grabbing onto his shoulders.
“Shit, Rett,” he growls. “You made me spill my drink.”