Page 24 of Queen Of Clubs
She blinks at me, confused, and then she curses. “Shit, babe. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
She holds me as I break for the first time in years. At the end of the day I’m human, and as much as I try to hold everything in, acting like I’m this hard person with a shield no one can break, I’m wrong. Because the three people who have always been able to pierce it, have just come crashing back into my life.
Maybe I can go to sleep, and when I wake up, this will all be a dream. Maybe the universe will be on my side, just this once.
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
But let's be real. Life doesn’t work that way, and my life is about to turn upside-down. I’m just not sure I’m going to be able to survive it.
Chapter 8
“Jade!” The scream that rips through my chest is one of pure desperation. When she took off running, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest.
“Enough,” the big bald alpha sneers. “Either you get the fuck out of this club, or I call the police.”
Unadulterated rage and panic fill me. “Listen, buddy, that's my fucking girl right there. I’ve been looking for her for the past five years. Don’t try me,” I snarl, my whole body vibrating.
“Get the fuck out of this club, now!” he barks.
“Zane.” Everett’s voice sounds next to me, but it’s hard to hear through the frantic pounding of my heart and the heaviness of my breathing. “I know you want to rip this club apart to get to her, I want to do the same. But it’s only going to end with us in jail. We can’t get Jade back if we’re locked behind bars.”
“We can bail ourselves out,” I growl, snapping my eyes over to his.
“Come on.” Griffin grabs my arm. I struggle as he and Everett drag me out of the club.
“Let me fucking go!” I shout, shoving myself free of them. Eyes wild and wide, chest heaving, I stare at them like I don’t even recognize them. “How are you not ready to fight your way through that whole fucking club to get to our girl?”
“Because...” Everett starts, running a hand through his raven hair, tugging at the roots. “That’s not the best way to go about this. Look, we’re in shock. After all these years, we’ve been searching for her, and here she is. I want nothing more than to go after her, pull her in my arms, and never let her go. But we can’t.”
“Why fucking not?” A wave of fury crashes into me, and I spin around, letting out a scream of rage while smashing my hand into the brick wall.
“Fucking hell, Zane,” Griffin curses, grabbing my now bloody hand. I don’t feel the pain because nothing could hurt more than finally seeing the only light I ever had in my life again, then being forced to watch her leave... again. “We’re in the middle of a fucking tour. You can’t go smashing up your fists.”
“I don’t fucking care.” I snatch it back from his grasp, not caring that it’s now dripping blood down my fingers and onto the sidewalk below.
“We need to go back to the hotel and think about what we’re going to do,” Everett says, grabbing his phone. “Hi, yes, we’re ready to be picked up.” He hangs up. “Limo will be here in a few.”
“I’m not leaving!” I shout, adrenaline coursing through my veins. “You're going to have to drag my broken and beaten body out of here because I’m not fucking going.” I turn around, heading toward the doors.
I’m going to get my girl. I’m going to hold her tight and never let her go. And then I’m going to demand she tell me where the fuck she’s been all these years.
“Zane!” Griffin grabs at me.
“Let me go!” There's a struggle, and then I’m shoving my elbow back and up, smashing him right in the nose.
“Fuck!” he roars. “You broke my fucking nose.”
A part of me feels bad, but it’s overtaken by the need for Jade.
“Screw it,” Griffin angrily sighs, lunging for me. He manages to get my arms behind my back as I snarl, grunt, and thrash.
“Stop it. Let me fucking go. I need to get to her,” I roar, everything in me demanding to get my omega. “She's in there. I need to get to her. Please!” My breathing has turned into heaving gasps, but I don’t stop struggling, I won’t stop fighting. “She’s in there, she's fucking in there!”
“I know!” Everett replies, his voice breaking. “I know, baby. I know she’s in there. We’re going to get her. We will.”
“Do it,” Griffin grunts as I hit him in the stomach again.