Page 56 of Queen Of Clubs
He snaps, as I knew he would. I wanted him to. He lets out a roar as he throws himself at me again. And then it’s on.
We beat the shit out of each other, rolling around on the hotel floor until someone finally hears the noises and comes barging in.
“Let me go!” Zane yells as someone pulls him off of me. Our security team. About fucking time.
“That's enough,” Rubin grunts as Tyler steps in between us.
“You good?” he asks me, holding his hand out.
“I’m peachy.” I let him pull me to my feet.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Gianna stands in the doorway, eyes wide with panic.
“I hired you to keep him and his buddies under control,” I chide. I never liked Gianna, and the only reason why she still has a job is because of my father.
“Zane,” she snaps. “What did you do?”
“I beat his fucking ass,” he grunts.
“Why would you do that?” Gianna sighs.
“Because he fucked my omega.”
Gianna’s eyes snap over to mine. “What? When?” she demands loudly. But with her next breath, she mutters. “Wow, she works fast.”
“What did you just say?” My voice comes out low, in a dangerous growl.
Fear flashes in her eyes. “I’m just saying. We know nothing about this girl. She’s been here for a few hours and look at all the trouble she’s already causing. Maybe we should send her home.”
“She stays!” both Zane and I snap at the same time.
Her face falls into a frown. “Fine,” she says tightly. “But if this keeps happening, then it’s a risk for not only the band but the label. You have a show tomorrow.” She looks Zane over. “You better hope makeup covers that up.”
“Whatever,” Zane grumbles, looking at me. “This isn’t fucking over,” he threatens, shoving his way out of Rubin’s hold.
“I’m sure it’s not.” I grin just to piss him off.
“Go back to your hotel room and get some rest,” Gianna tells Zane.
Zane heads toward the door, following Gianna out, Rubin and Tyler behind them.
My head is pounding, body sore. I need a shower, some meds, and a good night's sleep. I’ll deal with the rest of this shit in the morning. I go to close the hotel door, but Zane shoves his foot in the way, keeping me from shutting it.
“What now?” I growl, done with his shit for the night.
“I mean it, Calvin.” He glares at me. “Stay away from Jade.”
Using my foot, I kick his out of the way. His lip pulls back in a snarl, but he doesn’t try again. “Sorry, I’m afraid that's not possible. Because you see, there’s yet another thing we have in common.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” He narrows his eyes.
Before slamming the door in his face and locking it, I leave him with these parting words. “It means, little brother, that Jade isn’t just yours, and your pack's scent match omega.” I give him a wicked grin. “She’s mine too.”
Chapter 17
Acommotion outside the room has me looking over at the guys. Their brows furrow as they look toward the door. “What the hell?” Griffin mutters, looking down at me. “You stay here. I’m going to see what’s going on.”