Page 58 of Queen Of Clubs
“Gianna, I say this with no disrespect; you're an amazing manager and we owe so much of our success to you, but Jade is our omega, and we will not allow anyone to be disrespectful towards her. So I’m asking you nicely, please be respectful and understand she’s here to stay. Or we will have to find someone who can. This is your last warning,” Everett says.
Gianna’s face turns red as she stands up straight. “Fine. I apologize,” she says to them, not me. “I understand Jade is your guest, and I will treat her as such.”
“Omega,” Griffin corrects.
“What?” Her face screws up.
“Jade isn’t our guest. She’s our omega.”
A flash of hurt crosses Gianna’s face, and I have to swallow down a growl of my own, surprising the hell out of me. Do the guys not see this? She wants them, the evidence is clear. The possessive omega in me wants to grin smugly and drag her out by her hair. But I have more class than that... at least for now.
“Right.” She clears her throat. “Omega.” She says the word as if it’s shit under her shoe. Girl better get the fuck out of here before I do something that gets me put in jail. “But please, no more causing scenes. Ice your hand so you're able to play tomorrow. Do the same with your eye. Makeup can cover the rest.”
Without another word, she turns around and heads out of the hotel room.
I sigh, leaning against the wall. I’ve been with these guys for almost twenty-four hours and the only time I’ve had to relax was when I was sleeping. I’m not used to all this drama or having everyone’s attention on me.
“Where are you going?” Zane asks as I head toward the door.
“I’m going to find a phone and call my workplace. I’m supposed to be showing up for my shift in a few hours. Kind of can’t do that since I’ve been kidnapped and all.”
“You're being dramatic.” Zane rolls his eyes.
“Says the alpha who just got into a fistfight with my one and only client,” I retort, raising a brow.
Zane growls, not liking the reminder of who Calvin is to me.
“Here.” Everett digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He dials High Rollers and hands it to me. All I need to do is press send. “You can use mine. The passcode is your birthday if you need to get back in.”
My eyes snap up to his as emotions slam into my heart. “Thanks,” I whisper.
“You can go into the other room. We’ll give you privacy,” Zane offers. “You don’t need to leave the hotel room.”
“First off,” I point to him. “Bite my ass,” I snark. “Second, you don’t get to tell me what to do. So fuck off. You’re in no position.”
“Would you stop being so damn stubborn, woman!”
“Would you stop waving your dick around like you're some big bad alpha?” I shoot back.
“I’m going to spank your ass,” he growls.
I give him a challenging grin. “I’d like to see you try.”
I manage to get out of the hotel room without Zane trying to drag me back in when I tell them I won’t leave the hotel.
“Jade, wait.” I turn to find Everett jogging over to me as I reach the elevator. “I’m guessing you have a lot of things you want to talk to Calvin about?”
“Maybe. Why?”
He lets out a heavy sigh. “His room is on the floor below us, number 901.”
“Thanks.” I smile. “Look, I know this is a lot for you and the guys. It is for me, too. I have a feeling as time goes on, we’re going to learn a lot about each other. We’ve been apart for six years and things change, people grow, and life goes on. We had lives of our own, and not all that’s happened may be things you want to hear. Everything isn’t going to be revealed in one sitting, there’s just too much for that to happen.”
“I know.” He smiles back. “And Zane... he will get better with time. He’s just overly possessive because he’s afraid to lose you again.”
“No, he won't.” I laugh. “But it’s fine. That's who he is, and I can handle him.”
“I know you can.” He grins. “And it’s fucking hot.”