Page 67 of Queen Of Clubs
I want to go to all of their shows, to cheer them on, and stand by their side.
They are the ones I want coming home to me every night, loving me, letting me love them back.
The thought sends my heart skittering. “I’m doing this,” I whisper to myself, smiling as Zane belts out soul-shattering lyrics.
As if he could hear my whispered thoughts, Zane’s hazel eyes flick over to me, locking with mine. I feel the world shift around me.
They never wanted to be away from me, and the thought of the pain they’ve been through because of losing me kills me.
I wasn’t the only one hurt by this, and I don’t think I have it in me to cause them any more pain.
They’re mine. My alphas. Now, I just have to figure out how all of this is going to work.
A few hours later, I’m in a stadium that’s filled with thousands of people, who scream the band’s name.
The moment they walk out on stage, the whole world disappears. They all find me, smiles dancing on their handsome faces as relief that I’m there fills their eyes like they thought I’d disappear again.
They sing and it feels like it’s a private concert just for me.
I’m scared but so excited for what's to come.
Tattered Souls is mine, and I’m never letting anyone come between us again. Not even my scent match alpha.
Chapter 19
“Thank you, Toronto!” Zane screams into the mic. “We are Tattered Souls, and we wish you a good fucking night!”
The crowd goes wild as we exit the stage. I’m dripping with sweat, my heart is racing with adrenaline, and I really need to work this off. I’m feeling twitchy, and there’s only one thing that helps.
“Where’s Jade?” Zane asks Gianna as we step backstage.
“One of the security guards brought her back to the dressing room to wait while you do VIP. People will be heading there now. You have enough time to have a breather, but that’s it. We gotta go. Not to men—”
“No,” I cut her off, shaking my head as dread fills me. I look to Zane and Griffin. “I—I can’t do VIP right now.” They look at me with understanding.
Zane curses. “Okay, Griffin, you head to VIP, hang with the fans, and when we’re done, we’ll meet you there.”
“No.” Gianna shakes her head. “Your father is here. He wants a meeting with you and your brother.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Zane growls. “Of all the times that bastard kept his distance, he wants to see me right fucking now? Well, fuck him.”
Gianna’s eyes widen. “He is the owner of this label. He’s your boss, might I remind you. Do not make this harder than it needs to be. You're already on thin ice,” she warns.
I’m starting to sweat for a different reason. My blood is pumping, my cock is aching... I need relief. I feel like I’m going out of my mind. Everything is too loud.
“Fucking hell,” Zane growls. “Fine, Griffin, you take Everett back to the dressing room. Help him out, and then I’ll meet you both after I’m done with the two assholes.” He grabs the back of my head and kisses me hard.
“Be a good boy, Rett,” he growls before turning around and storming away. I’m momentarily shocked. We’ve never been one for PDA. There’s been rumors in the media about us, but never any concrete proof. It’s not that we’re ashamed of our love. It’s just we didn’t want Jade to see us outed on the news and think we didn’t choose her too. Because even if we were together, she was a part of that too.
“Whatever you need to do can wait until after VIP. You three have caused enough trouble with the stunts you’ve pulled over the past few days. Let’s go,” Gianna demands before leaving.
“Griffin.” I grab his arm, pulling back. “I can’t go into a room full of fans. I’m ready to snap.”
He gives me a conflicted look. “How about this? Go back to the dressing room and take a bit of the edge off. I’ll go see the fans, and when Zane gets back, I’ll come help you. Then, when we’re done, we can go back to the meet and greet, okay?”
“Why did they have to do two?” I growl, feeling antsy, my skin crawling. “Soundcheck should have been good enough.”