Page 17 of The Favorite Girl
You must wear all white.
You must be willing to get an IUD.
Wait. What? I squinted as I re-read the first four rules. I mean, I could somewhat understand fragrance and makeup, because maybe someone in the family had allergies or sensitivities to certain chemicals? Or maybe, in an all-white house, they didn’t want to risk makeup getting on anything. Even accessories were understandable since I was going to be cleaning. Wearing all-white seemed strange, but employers had uniforms. But why would an IUD be mandatory?
I glanced up at Conrad, who immediately looked at the pen in his hand. “Can you explain…”
“Rule number four?” he immediately filled in painfully.
“Mmm-hm.” I cleared my throat, looking down at the glass of water in front of me.
“Can I drink that?”
“Oh, yeah. Of course. It’s for you.” My hand shook as I grabbed the glass and quickly took a long sip, hyperaware of the way the water sounded sloshing down my throat. Placing it back on the marble coaster, I glanced at Conrad.
“It’s so you… I guess… Well, so you don’t get pregnant and stop working, basically. My parents like to keep their staff around long-term.” He nodded, as if he was trying to convince himself of the strange explanation. But was it strange? I mean, this family was clearly insanely wealthy and private. I’m sure there’d be a line of desperate, jobless individuals who would happily sign the line below to dust some fancy frames in exchange for a hefty paycheck and a beautiful estate to live in.
Not to mention, the son of your boss being quite the eye-candy. My cheeks grew warm as I realized I’d been dazed out. “That makes sense.” I rolled my lips together and continued to read the rest of the rules.
You must not speak or make any bodily noises while in the Orchid section of the Estate.
Bodily noises? “What if I need to sneeze?” I pointed at the fifth rule and looked up at Conrad, while stifling my impending laughter.
“You don’t. You can’t make a single sound in the Orchid section, Demi. It would cost you everything.” Conrad didn’t smile, he didn’t blink; he just stared at me blankly. But then I realized something. He wasn’t looking at me… he was looking behind me. Following his line of vision, I turned slowly and slapped my hand against my chest.
Dr. Ivory.
He was dressed in white scrubs, with a small white surgical cap and white gloves that reached his elbows. The lines across his forehead creased as he stared at his son. “What is taking so long, Conrad?” His voice was unnervingly low. “We actually need her to begin today.”
It was very uncomfortable how he was talking about me but avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. “Okay, Dr. Ivory.” My eyes shot between both of them. Did he just call his dad Dr. Ivory?
Dr. Ivory took a quick glance at me before turning away. I couldn’t help but watch as he left. Not a single sound came from his movements, and when he opened and closed the door, it made no noise.
What kind of house was this?
The rest of the rules were abnormal, but nothing compared to the IUD requirement. One of the rules was that I would not be allowed to bring my gifted phone out from my room. I wasn’t allowed to take photos inside the house or on the sprawling property. I wasn’t allowed to text or call anyone until after eight p.m. when my shift ended. I had never had a phone before so I was stunned they’d even be offering one to me.
Conrad handed me a lifestyle section of the hefty contract. “So, this part they’ll want you to read out loud.” His eyes flicked behind me to the corner of the room. Chills shot up my spine as his face flushed. I didn’t dare turn around to see where his eyes were.
“Um… okay.” I shrugged. Clearing my throat, I felt like a student in a full classroom, when the teacher tells you to read a passage out loud and you didn’t have a chance to read it through and prepare.