Page 39 of The Favorite Girl
I laid in the bed the rest of the night, completely still and devoid of any emotion. I was scared that if I closed my eyes, the monster would come back. So, I waited until the small alarm that was already set hummed out an eerie tune, and I climbed out of bed. I was going to tell Conrad what his dad had done and then he’d help me. Showering quickly, I pulled out the white sheath dress, stockings, and gloves, but rebelliously left my hair to air dry into a curly mane.
“Fuck you, Dr. Ivory,” I mumbled as I stood in front of my door, waiting for it to open.
A minute later, it did. Bradley’s eyes widened as he looked at me. “We have to stop by Becca’s room so she can help you…” he trailed with his arms behind his back.
“I’m not tying it up; I’m leaving this hell today. I need to see Conrad. Ian Ivory assaulted me last night.” I wanted to break down into tears of humiliation because that’s what women were conditioned to do—feel humiliated based on a man’s actions. But instead, I bit back my quivering lip and tried to sound as confident as I could.
Bradley looked at me with complete desolation and sympathy building in his eyes, moving closer to me he slowly exhaled and put his hands on my elbows.
“Are you okay?” His voice wasn’t the same; he sounded genuinely concerned. I hated when people asked me if I was okay. It only made it worse and just like a switch, I began to cry.
“Bradley, please take me to Conrad. He’s their son… he’ll help me out of here. I can’t do this. I’ll call the police and then he’ll help us all. Bradley, Dr. Ivory called those girls his pure birds… he implied that he was going to check if I was a virgin.” I gripped my hands into his forearms.
Looking down, he turned away and pushed my cart to me. “It was nice to know you, Demi Rao.” Bradley began to walk down the hall with his cart full of covered meals. I quickly followed behind him, knowing my card didn’t work anywhere and I’d be trapped in the middle of a hall.
“Bradley, slow down!” I called out as he took a step through the main door.
“They’re going to kill you today,” he said without turning around. “I wish you’d understand that you don’t leave the Ivory Estate unless they let you. And to do so, you must shut your mouth, work, and make them love you. When they do, they might choose you.”
“Choose me?” My voice shook.
“As the favorite girl.” He shook his head. “It’s the only way out. How many times do I need to tell you?” He looked back at my cart. “If not, they’ll either kill you or cage you, but if you’re lucky, they’ll kill you.”
“Please just do the job, Demi. Please.” He sounded defeated, exhausted, and tired of reasoning with me.
“Bradley, I’m so scared,” I whimpered as he went to get my cart and bring it back to me.
“You should be petrified. And you should also be glad that you’re still alive and can feel fear. Now, let’s go. You have to get your hair fixed and have an appointment.” Bradley ushered me out of the door.
“An appointment?” I followed behind him, but he didn’t say anything else and I didn’t push. Instead, I savored the trivial amount of ignorance I knew would be the only way I didn’t have a full-blown panic attack.
We were in a part of the house I hadn’t been to before. The same fluorescent lights beamed and brightened the all-white walls and floor.
“He’s waiting for you. Afterward, we will go back to Becca and then I’ll take you to the floor you have to clean today.” Bradley gestured to the second door on the left.
“Can you come with me?” I trembled as I sluggishly moved in front of the door, waiting for it to open.
“No, I can’t. But I’ll wait here.”
The door slid open, and I went inside. I was starting to realize there was no way out. I was imprisoned here.
A man in all-white scrubs stood in the corner, washing his hands while an operating table sat in the middle of the room with a giant light above. Medical tools were neatly lined on a tray and cabinets were full of identical bottles and syringes.
“Oh no. I don’t…” I began to breath heavily and walked backward. The man slowly turned and stared at me as I bumped into the already closed door.
“Please, Miss Rao, take a seat. It’s time for your bi-annual physical assessment as agreed upon in the contract. I’m Dr. Cowell.” He sat on the circular chair and moved to the table, pointing to it. I looked over my shoulder and knew I couldn’t get out until I did whatever this doctor needed to do.
Moving to the cold, steel table that was papered, I held my hands together in hopes they’d stop shaking.
“Any previous health concerns?” He flipped through a stack of papers. I looked at him, stunned. I had never been to a doctor’s office; I never even had a physical.
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
“Well, in that case, we will run a full panel of blood work, I’ll do an exam, and then we can insert your IUD.”
“I don’t need an IUD.” I felt my face grow warm as I anxiously swung my legs until Dr. Cowell grabbed and stilled them.