Page 64 of Ready or Not
“This is a perfect gift.” I flip through to check out the rest of the pages.
“Good, I’ve got one more.” He grabs a black case and sets it between us as I put the picture album on the coffee table. Grabbing the gift bag, he moves it to the floor. “This is an optional gift.” He clears his throat, setting the case on my thigh and popping the front clips. “I really struggled between the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus and the standard Glock 19. I went with the Glock, even though it’s heavier, because it’s going to give you less recoil.”
I blink at the disassembled gun. “You got me a gun?”
“Only if you want it. It’s registered to me, but I’ve never used this one. I bought it as a backup last year. It’s excellent for a beginner.”
“Well, that’s probably a good thing. I’ve never shot a gun before.” I was honestly blown away by how loud they were in person last night. Even Aurora heard the gunshots, based on the way she bounced around my stomach during the altercation. “Is shooting safe while I’m pregnant?”
“Emergency situations like last night are fine. I know, because I asked Patrick first thing this morning. However, he said no target practice until you give birth, since she will be able to hear the gunshots, and there’s no way to offer her ear protection.” Cooper grins. “I’m going to make sure she knows how to take out a target dead center before she’s ten.”
I laugh. “I hope you’re joking, but either way, thank you for the gifts.”
“Of course, but I want to go over a few things with you now. How to hold it, check for a safety on a few different models, and maybe practice aiming—that kind of stuff. Would you be open to that?”
My mind races, and the helpless feeling from last night comes back in full-force. Even if I’d had a gun, I wouldn’t have known how to use it.
I was a liability, big time.
“Okay,” I agree. “Are you planning to show me that stuff today?”
“Yeah, we’ve got a shooting range at the command center. I’ll make sure no one is using it, but I figured it would be good to get you comfortable handling your weapon. We can do a firearm safety basics class with just the two of us.” He looks so damn excited that a silly smile crosses my face too.
Bishop and Holt call before we leave the house. They’re on their way home, and my relief is only matched by my excitement. They don’t seem upset when I explain that Cooper is taking me to learn about my new gun.
“Last night was kind of crazy. I can’t remember if I told you that I told Cooper he could court me,” I blurt out as fast as possible.
“Is that right?” Holt asks.
“Yes.” They’ve got me on speakerphone, so I know they both heard. “Are you upset?”
“You don’t need our permission. I’ve already told you that you have my blessing if you wanted it,” Bishop says.
There is a lot of background noise, like the tires from the truck and driving on the interstate, but I still hear a thump.
“Tell your omega that you respect her right to build her pack as she sees fit,” Bishop growls at Holt.
“Of fucking course I do,” Holt says. “Listen, sweetheart, I’ve got your back, whatever you choose. I’m not upset. If you want to give Garza a chance, that’s perfectly fine with me. Just let him know, if he fucks up, I’ll personally deliver him to Ranger’s basement. With no exit date.”
Bishop chuckles. “And I’ll help.”
“Okay, well, I love you both. Please drive safely,” I say distractedly as I search for my shoes.
“Love you too, gorgeous. We’ll see you tonight.”
They disconnect, and I stare at my phone with a frown.
I’m pretty sure I just told Holt that I love him, and he didn’t say it back.
“Well, you’ve got your stance down perfectly,” Cooper says from behind me. His warm breath fans over my neck as he runs his hand over my stomach. “There’s really not much more we can do until you give birth.”
“Right,” I agree, laying the gun down on the little shelf in front of me.
He has shown me a variety of handguns and gone over how to tell if each one has a click-off safety.
Others just have trigger and drop safety features, which I had no idea were even a thing.
“The biggest thing is not being afraid to take the shot. Missing happens to all of us, but if you don’t pull the trigger, you have no hope of hitting your target. The bad guys won’t hesitate, so you can’t either.” He uses his hold on my hips and turns me until I’m facing him. His hair falls over his forehead as he leans close. “I haven’t seen your hair in a ponytail since the club. I forgot how hot it is.”