Page 75 of Ready or Not
“I’m happy for you,” Holt says. His scent tinges in the bond, and somehow, I can feel his sincerity.
“Thank you.” I nod in his direction.
“I’m wondering how in the hell we’re going to get the two of you up to bed.” Holt laughs. “I guess we wait for that thing to go down.”
Vale snuggles closer. “That works.”
I palm the back of her head, studying her sleepy profile.
This day turned from shit to life-changingly amazing in the blink of an eye.
Chapter Twenty-Four
We spend the rest of the weekend huddled at home. We all take turns doing as much work as we can from the compound, but Vale is nervous. She’s worried about Kate, which we all get. The longer it takes for Ranger to find Hargrove and Merryweather, the more I start to get concerned.
It’s late Sunday night when the house phone rings. No one ever calls it, so I snatch it up as Vale sits on the counter, eating cheddar cheese slices with peanut butter.
“This is Holt.”
“I’ve got them.” Ranger’s voice fills the air. It’s been quiet in the kitchen and Vale jolts.
“Ohmigod, is that Ranger?”
“You can put me on speakerphone,” he says in a bored tone.
I click the button, praying for good news. “Vale is listening.”
“I found Hargrove and Merryweather at the third safe house?—”
“Is Kate okay?” Vale asks, leaning toward the phone.
“She is for the moment,” Ranger says. “Why did no one inform me that she’s an omega?”
My eyes widen.
“What?” Vale chokes. “No, she’s not. I’ve lived with her for years.”
“She is indeed. As is evidenced by the fact that she’s in heat.” Ranger sighs. “From the smell of things, it’s going to be several days before she can have a coherent conversation. Hargrove and Merryweather are no better.”
“How is that possible, though?” Vale asks, dropping the peanut butter knife on the plate at her side. “I can always sense other omegas. That, or smell them.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. I could scent her from outside the safe house,” Ranger says. “The smell is horrendous, but I’ll be sticking around. I need to determine what caused them to abandon her apartment to begin with.”
“Thank you. Please tell her I’m so glad she’s okay.” Vale grimaces at the phone. The bond isn’t a perfect detection system, but I think she’s concerned Kate still holds some ill will over Andrew.
“So, Hargrove and Merryweather are helping her through the heat?” I ask for clarification.
“Yes,” Ranger agrees.
“Huh.” I chuckle. “Well, I didn’t see the omega part coming, but I did see the part about them eventually banging.”
“This conversation is boring me.” Ranger hangs up without another word as Vale’s eyes get wide.
“I feel like I don’t know her at all,” she whispers, biting her lip. “No wonder she didn’t want anyone in our personal space. She was always really private. I think she was only happy to see me with Cooper because she thought it would be the end of me and Bishop.”
“Well, at least you know she’s safe.” I click the phone off and hang it on the wall.