Page 61 of Queen of Spades
Kane is apparently in control because he heads north toward Utah. Annika grunts when their talking disturbs her, but she’s clearly exhausted.
It’s been a long day, but we have a twenty-eight-hour drive ahead of us if we’re aiming for Kentucky.
A couple of years back, Cassian inherited the house his grandparents owned. It’s beautiful, from what I’ve seen in the pictures, but it’s also been uninhabited for years. There is a caretaker, so there shouldn’t be any problem with us popping in on almost no notice.
My head falls against the headrest as Annika wiggles in her sleep. With her head lying on the top of my stomach, it puts her plush tits right over my cock.
The hotter she gets, the more concerned I grow until I’m cursing the universe.
Now isn’t the time for her heat to hit.
Two hours have passed when she starts to moan in her sleep, and she grows more and more restless with each passing hour.
My dick is hard and trapped to my thigh as she grinds it into my skin, but I’m pretty sure it’s her caramel and cream scent that has my tip leaking.
I palm her cheek, pulling her sweaty hair away from her face. My other hand moves to readjust the vents to blow directly down on her. It finally clicks that the blanket isn’t helping her cool down, but when I try to pull it, she fights me for it.
“You’re burning up,” I murmur, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“I’m okay,” she mumbles, rubbing her face around my T-shirt. “I wish I could touch you skin-to-skin.” Her hands burn as she slides them up and under the material.
My jaw falls as she attempts to pull it over her head too. If I was Cas, I’d complain about her stretching out the material, but I’m more concerned with how warm she feels.
I move to cradle her jaw and push the material down, so she can’t climb inside my damn T-shirt. She huffs and moves to crawl up my body.
Her arms stay under the shirt, but she buries her face in my throat. “I don’t feel good.”
“I can tell,” I murmur. “Are you sure you don’t want to lose the blanket? It might help you cool off.”
“No.” Her head shakes. “I need to burrow.”
This timing is awful.
Omegas do best in confined spaces, with lots of soft pillows and blankets to snuggle up with. All Annika has is a moving vehicle and me. The circumstances are less than ideal, but my impulses scream that we can make her feel better.
I breathe in deep hits of her scent until my system gets the point. A low, ragged purr starts in my chest, and Annika moans, licking the skin of my neck.
My eyes fly up to find Cas twisted in his seat. His pupils are huge, indicating the scent of her perfume has traveled far enough that he can smell it.
The irrational urge to snap his neck for looking in our direction washes over me. My system views him as a threat. Logically, I understand that I’ll have to share with Grady if I want her. And yet, my instincts still scream mine.
I run my hand down her spine, over her sweaty dress, and try to center myself enough that I don’t growl. Annika snuggles even closer as her hands slide over my sides. Her arms are still trapped by the confines of the material, but she seems to be settling in to fall back to sleep.
Until her warm hand moves down my stomach, slipping under my jeans and boxer briefs. My cock has been rock-hard from just her scent, but it pulses as she wraps her hand around my shaft and squeezes.
Her hot breath fans over my neck as she moves closer to my ear. “You do want me, right, Ward?”
I’d scoff if her tone wasn’t so tentative.
“Yeah, lass,” I say softly.
She nods, nipping at my ear at the same time as she runs her thumb over my crown. My shaft jumps, and pre-cum drips from my tip. Her other hand moves to work the button and zipper on my jeans.
This is way too fast. I’m still not sure if she understands the clothing was my attempt at a courting gift.