Page 60 of Uncharted Desires
Cher chuckled and handed her a tissue. “I don’t think West is going to care. I think he loves you too.”
Kat wiped her eyes. “It’s just some island version of Stockholm syndrome. Once he gets back to L.A. and his life of glitz and glamor, he’ll realize how plain and boring I am and go back to his models and actresses.”
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Cher leaned in to look at Kat, her hand resting on Kat’s back.
“Come on, you know West, it’s a legitimate fear.”
Cher contemplated her words. “Perhaps. But have you actually told him this?”
Kat was quiet for a minute. “We all start with good intentions.”
“And why can’t you trust him to keep those good intentions? If it’s truly love, he’ll never notice another woman again.”
The air left Kat’s lungs. There was the question she kept asking herself. Why couldn’t she trust him? “It’s just who he is, Cher. A tiger can’t just change their stripes.”
“Maybe, but that tiger can be slightly domesticated with the right partner. Remember, you fell in love with that tiger, and if he loves you, you have to trust in that love. He didn’t cheat on Gia; in fact, it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen him with a different girl every week.”
Kat scrunched up her face. “You’re not allowed to make sense.”
She stood up and walked to the bathroom, grabbing Kat’s makeup. “I always thought there was a strange spark between the two of you, even before that night. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but it took long enough for you both to figure it out.”
Cher was annoying her with logic. They had something, she just wasn’t sure if that something was worth risking her heart for.
“Now, you’re gorgeous without makeup, but since he’s seen a hot mess for the past few weeks, let’s knock him off his feet,” Cher said, a mischievous smirk on her face.
West eyed Declan and Luke over his whiskey glass. Since he and Kat had arrived at the hotel that morning, it had been one thing after another, but now he was finally properly showered, shaved, and in his own clothes having a drink with his friends. Even if the term friends didn’t really feel appropriate these days.
The two were talking about a party they had attended at an Indonesian billionaire’s home. It had been “epic,” and they bored West to death. His mind kept shifting to Kat. What was she doing? Was she showering? She was probably naked. He wanted to be in the shower with her.
Snap out of it, West.
He shook his head, adjusting himself and crossing his legs, forcing himself to listen to Luke.
“Gia’s here.”
His head snapped up to glare at Luke. “What’s she doing here?”
Luke took a drink slowly, while West tried to school his features. He didn’t care about Gia, he just didn’t want her coming around him and Kat. She was good at making trouble.
“She’s here with me. I told her you were missing and we were staying in Jakarta, but I asked if she wanted to stay with me, as two people who deeply care about you.”
West rolled his eyes. “How thoughtful of you.”
Luke laughed. “Let’s say we’ve found ways to pass the nights in your absence. Why didn’t you tell me she was so feisty?”
West didn’t care that Luke was screwing Gia, but he couldn’t figure out what Luke was trying to do. They were friends, so why was he trying to goad him into caring?
West smiled. “That’s great, I’m happy for you, man.”
Declan choked back a laugh as Luke’s face fell.
What the hell was going on? They were acting strangely, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.
“You call your studio agent yet?” Declan asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah,” West replied.
Declan waited for him to elaborate; West didn’t. He didn’t want to. These two were acting weird. “Did you take the acting gig?” Declan finally asked.