Page 63 of Uncharted Desires
“Nothing,” Kat said, giving him her biggest smile, and pressed her lips to his to distract him. “Come on, we have an hour.” She smiled.
West grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the wall with a grin on his face, kissing and touching her all the way down the hallway to his suite until Kat was panting with need.
He pushed her up against the door with passionate force. His teeth ground against hers and their tongues clashed. She clawed at the lapels of his jacket and pulled him closer still until her knee dug into his rock-hard arousal.
Kat was beyond caring about propriety, consumed by a single desire for all of him—one last time—to give herself to this captivating man who made her feel special and precious and talented like nobody else ever had.
West fumbled with the key to unlock the door, his mouth never leaving hers. Her hands moved to his shirt, tugging at it with heated desperation. She wanted him inside her, the fire of desire he had sparked raging within her. He broke their kiss as she popped each of his buttons free, exploring his toned body with her lips.
“What are you doing to me? I can’t get enough of you,” he groaned.
Kat vaguely heard the beep on the lock as West captured her mouth again, pushing her across the threshold. Kat was in a reckless frenzy as she undid his belt buckle and felt his hands pull her zipper down her spine. Her breaths were quick and shallow, and all thoughts of romantic seduction were gone as an instinctive need overwhelmed her.
In the distance she heard someone clear their throat, and they both jumped apart faster than she would have thought humanly possible, her dress gaping in the front. They turned to stare at the owner of that offending noise.
Kat’s heart plummeted into her stomach, and for a moment she thought her dinner was about to come back up.
West looked at the intruder, his eyes murderous, his hands in fists.
“Christ, Gia, what are you doing here?”
Kat looked between Gia and West and saw what a beautiful couple they made. Gia was so tall and lithe, her blonde hair flowing down her shoulders. Kat’s worst fears were already coming true. Without a word, she turned and fled from the room.
West felt helpless as Kat ran from the room. Every inch of him wanted to go after her, but he had to deal with the woman who had managed to break into his room first.
He stalked over to the bar, splashing whiskey into a glass, taking a drink, and glaring at her the entire time. Gia was tall and skinny with glowing skin and long blonde hair, although West knew most of it was made up of extensions. As he looked at her, he thought about how much of her was fake, how she had been pushed to reach certain beauty standards, and now that he looked at her, he didn’t find her attractive in the least. Sure, she was still beautiful, but her allure no longer called to him.
Instead he ached for the natural beauty of Kat. Her height fit perfectly in his arms, and her curves hit his hands just right. Her hair, frizzy after days of running around on an island, was just as gorgeous smoothed out, and even more bewitching in braids.
“I ask again, Gia, what are you doing here?”
She walked up to him, her hand slowly moving down his exposed chest. “I was worried about you, of course,” she practically purred.
West removed her hand from his body, completely unmoved by her touch. “Well, as you can see, I am fine and you can leave. I don’t even know how you got in my room.”
She bit her lip coyly. “You’d be amazed what you can get a valet to do for you.”
“I’m not surprised,” he said dryly. “You were always good at getting what you wanted.”
She practically jumped on him, and he took a step back, almost falling onto the bed. “Then why won’t you come back to me?” she pouted, her arms circled around his neck.
“Aren’t you here with Luke?”
“He’s not like you; he doesn’t take care of me the way you did. He’s not nearly as attentive.”
West took her hands from his neck, turning away from the bed, and walked toward the door. “Gia, you’re just not what I want. I told you that a month ago and it still stands true.”
Her look instantly turned cold, the sexy, coy Gia gone. “Oh, but you want that fat girl?”
She was talking about Kat. He couldn’t be bothered to argue that, while Kat wasn’t fat, it wouldn’t have mattered if she was.
“She won’t give you what you want, and you’ll get bored eventually. But don’t come crawling back to me when you do.”
As she neared him, he stepped back. “Get out, Gia, we were done long before Kat, and I want you to stay away from both of us.”
She threw her head back and laughed, but not in a way that suggested she found anything funny.